The Story: Kurt Revisits Mother Ayahuasca
In preparation for an ayahuasca trip, it’s best to prepare the body physically through a strict diet, for at least three days beforehand. However, one must also prepare oneself mentally by asking the question: what is the purpose of this journey? Some people will tell you that thinking deeply about your purpose isn’t necessary, because no matter what you come up with, Grandmother Ayahuasca is going to show you what you need to know, not what you want to know – which is true – but in my (Kurt’s) opinion, contemplating your purpose is vital, because you have to remember that the medicine is going to reveal a great truth to you, so you must be ready, if not to accept it, at least to face it, when it appears.
Before this, my second journey with ayahuasca, I tried to strip away some of my mental barriers – thinking that, I don’t really know what these visions are capable of showing me, so I have to ask myself the question: what knowledge would I ask for, if I knew I could receive the answer to any question?
At first I considered asking for some journeys to other realms, meeting strange beings, friendly buddhas on the astral plane, and extraterrestrials from distant star systems or adjacent realities. Yet, after some consideration, I decided to ask something more earthly, and perhaps more practical – to continue the work in healing my heart, to make my soul more complete.
In the end, I’m not entirely sure if I received the answers to either of these questions, or if I received answers that went far beyond my questions. Join us in the next universe-defying, soul-shivering adventure in … The Paradise Paradox!
The Eps:
Ayahuasca Diaries 1
Ayahuasca Diaries 2
Ayahuasca Diaries 3
The Links:
DMT: The Spirit Molecule: A Doctor’s Revolutionary Research into the Biology of Near-Death and Mystical Experiences
Documentary: Inner and outer worlds
Graham Hancock The War On Consciousness TEDx Talk
The Cash:
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