Tag: Troublebubble

Presidential election: Two party clown show – Episode 134

The Story: 2016 Presidential election: Two party clown show

This is the weirdest election ever! It doesn’t represent the idea of a democracy at all. The idea of allowing the whole population to have a say and choose representatives, has been lost long ago and apparently to the people in power, it’s obsolete. The US ’two party system’ has nothing to do with finding the best head and body for a free country, but rather a distraction for the masses. This current US election has the taken form of a celebrity reality TV show – just with a bigger budget. Where the contestants fight their way through a series of social media obstacles to a final and super episode. The winner takes all! Payment in full of all capital invested and a director’s seat to the empire. Presidential perks accompanied with all tools of the trade, the oak Hollywood desk, a fancy white house and a panel of shiny red buttons – 50/50, ask the audience, phone a friend.

After scratching the surface, it was evident that Kurt and I shouldn’t even be talking about this – why pay attention to the charade – other than for entertainment value? But this is no joking matter. Many, many people have given their power and responsibility away to these clowns. Watching the show, believing the lies and even picking a side. Who is actually involved here? Are your bets in? Unfortunately many continue to waste their friends’ time by talking about such rubbish.

Here is the truth – if we actually lived in a civilised society, with sound values and respect for others, there would be no need to live in governed regions, where people are controlled and manipulated. In today’s situation we need to be individually micro-managed – told what to eat, told how many hours to sleep and how we should be living.

Thank God that they all have television, I would hate to see what would actually happen it they started thinking for themselves, say the ‘people in charge’.

In a civilised country, government should be quiet and gradually shrinking away. A small and productive government shouldn’t even be noticed. Honestly, I am not even sure why free and civilised people would need a government. What they might need more is the protection from the threat of government.

Take a break from the direct mind control and plug into something alternative… The Paradise Paradox!

The Eps:

Government is force
The system works
Peyote overview
Ayahuasca Diaries Part 1

The Links:

The Simpsons – Two party system
The US Elections Explained: The Two Party System
Putin warns Americans: You’re being distracted!
You Can Always Leave
How Government Works
Government explained by an alien
Freedom trumps fear: Everything you do is an act of liberty

The Cash:

If you enjoy our posts, please have a look at The Paradise Paradox’s page on Steemit where you can join, earn money, and upvote our posts to help support the show! You can also find a lot of additional content which is not posted on this site, with Kurt’s posts on Steemit and Aaron’s posts on Steemit.

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Episode 116 – Two Conceptions of Capitalism

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The Cash:

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Story:

In this episode Kurt and I are at the central bus station of Guadalajara, Mexico. We were patiently waiting to begin our voyage to San Luis Potosi – for a great adventure exploring the worlds of natural medicine. This episode is a captured conversation started by few Aussie friends that visited the week before, they had some very interesting questions about today’s society.
Many young adults ask questions like, why does the government need to privatise public services? examples of these services may be medical, electricity, transport, and water? and of course the bloody roads. These concerns are based on the already poor quality services at high tax costs and this instills a negative outlook on the future. To further this issue, it is widely known and understood that private companies, which buy these services, must put the interests of shareholders first. This is because of the inherent nature of business and the human component rarely becomes a concern, let alone a priority.
Our society has been conditioned to believe that this is all part of capitalism, MacDonalds, Starbucks and greedy governments. History can teach us many lessons and like all power structures, there is a common natural evolution; to increase in size, centralise power and incubate corruption. However as most young folks attended public schooling they tend to have a shallow and selected view of history, they look to the other side as the solution – Socialism.
In this episode we discuss a true capitalism, which is based on a free market system powered by sound money (Gold, Silver, Bitcoin). Advancements in information technology is opening a new world of commerce as well as new options for governance. Where all people can have an equal say and can be involved in shaping society. Our future civilisations will be empowered and united, government as we know it today will be a memory and a laugh, somewhat like the stone age. For the meantime understand that today’s government bodies do not require our full attention, as these structures are on limited time and out of gas.

The Eps:

Closet Communist

The Links:

The Story of Your Enslavement
The Wealth of Nations audiobook
Capitalism is About Love – Jeffrey Tucker


Episode 115 – Standards – Consciously Choosing My Partner

The Episode:

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The Cash:

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Story:

For many people, finding a partner is a question more of chance, than of design. They don’t necessarily start out with a firm idea of the kind of person they are trying to attract, and they don’t necessarily learn to clearly identify the specific qualities they’re looking for in the potential partners that they meet. And so, for most people, relationships can be like a kind of random walk, and in a culture that puts Disney-style romance above compatibility or the hard work of building a solid foundation for a relationship, perhaps it’s no wonder that so many marriages end in divorce.

To the minds of many, it may seem overly-calculating to try to design the kind of relationship you want, and it may seem contrived to work on a relationship to make something work, because the “natural assumption” is that love should flow effortlessly, with no struggles and not even a thought. Unfortunately, the reality is normally very different.

In this episode, Kurt talks to Aaron about the kind of attitude and energy that is attractive to a woman, and to people in general, about why he’s decided to not engage in sexual activity for the moment, and the kinds of things he is looking for in a woman, as a life partner, to create the most favourable conditions for a successful relationship – firstly, that she be bilingual, secondly that she is interested in psychedelics, and finally that she has learned the important life lesson of “Practise something, and you will get better at it.”

Let’s examine ourselves and our expectations of the world, in the next episode of The Paradise Paradox.

The Eps:


A Visit to the Pyramids of Guachimontones 

Ep93 – Polyamory and Monogamy 

Ep99 – Masculine intuition 

Ep69 – Ayahuasca Diaries Part 3 

Ep68 – Ayahuasca Diaries Part 2 

Ep67 – The Ayahuasca Diaries Part 1

Episode 113 – Non-Aggression Principle – Anarchapulco Nights

The Episode:

How we celebrate the newest annual Mexican holiday that represents freedom for our fellow human… Anarchapulco!

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The Cash:

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Story:

Everyone has their favourite holiday season, we all love the summer break, Christmas and Easter. As for myself and many other free minds we celebrate ideas and giving freedom to our fellow man. This event like many other holidays only happens once a year, it has become the new perfect reason to quit your job, to retire or at least take a few weeks off work. Kurt and I have attended this event for 2 years running – and many others that attended decided to remain in Acapulco, either way – see you at Anarchapulco!

Here we have for you another behind the scenes episode of the greatest event, being ‘Anarchapulco’. In this episode we discuss how important Anarchapulco has become for the Paradise Paradox. For the reason that there is an interesting dynamic that is cultivated at this event. Firstly everyone brings shared values and when spending time with many many people that understand and seek similar passions, there is a light generated at the end of the tunnel. We choose peace, love and Anarchy and this holiday/conference is celebrated in Acapulco, Mexico.

In the second half of this episode Kurt explains to me an important principle, which many understand and follow in their everyday lives. Basically this principle outlines that one should not inflict violence against others. However, this principal has much deeper implications, that many may not have considered. Have you asked yourself – Where do I draw the line when others want to inflict violence against me? or, how do I feel about living in a society that threatens violence to control people? At what level am I willing to accept violence in my life..? These are the questions that leaves one wondering… if our society is so modern and civilised why do bodies of governance lower themselves to such medieval ways?

The Eps:

Anarcho-Superheroes – Anarchapulco Nights 2016

Liberty Hip Hop Live at Anarchapulco 2016

Closet Communist – Anarchapulco Nights 2016

Anarchapulco Nights 2015

Anarchapulco 2015 Breakdown

The Links:

A Rational Principle of Ethics and Liberty

Anarchapulco 2017 Pre-Sale




Episode 110 – Anarcho-Superheroes Anarchapulco Nights 2016

The Episode:

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The Cash:

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Story:

This could be one of my favourite PP-Dice-Dox themes ‘Anarchapulco Nights!’ In this episode Kurt and I discuss more of our personal experiences from the largest anarchist conference in the world, Anarchapulco! The conference itself offers packed days of paradigm shattering topics and long nights of thought provoking discussions – which takes a solid toll on the minds eye.

In this episode we share a few funny stories from behind the scenes. As well as the weirdness of being around so many interesting super heroes. Attending the event immerses you in an empowering scene with so many inspiring people. This could be a rare experience for many of us. However, when sharing your own personal story, you may realise that we all have the capacity to be inspiring, when and if you are willing to make the leap.

The Eps:

Liberty Hip Hop Live at Anarchapulco 2016

Anarchapulco Nights – Closet Communist

Using Sustainable Agriculture To Make A Cooperative Earth: Kenny Palurintano

Anarchist Adventurer Kenny Palurintano

Anarchapulco Nights 2015

Anarchapulco 2015 Breakdown

The Links:

This is what the world would be like without government.

Episode 106 – Visa, Borders and The Magic Universe

The Episode:


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The Cash:

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Story:

El hombre propone y Dios dispose” is a Mexican saying, which basically means that, ‘Man’ can make plans, but if its not part of the lords plan – it is not likely to manifest. This saying has always rustled my jimmies, as it implies that I am not in control of, or responsible for, my own life. It questions the power of free-will and instills a powerless mentality, which may even encourage negligence and lead to the idea that ignorance is bliss.

Everything can happen for a reason, if you design a belief system to let it play that way. By this I mean, one must decide on the reason for the past events and interpret them in a positive way, in order to make greater opportunities for the future. Hopefully, in the moment you can see and choose an empowering significance for the events in your life.

In this episode we talk about how an Australian visa application was delayed and then how that turned into a surprise trip to New York City. Accompanied with a positive outlook which was designed to overcome any possible difficulties and discomforts. This was the door to a complete mind set of skills and allowing a complete shift in belief systems. Upload the events which set up a complete mindset change and check in on the power of self knowledge.

Then, in the second half of the episode, we jump into the deep end of cultural integrations, human migration and general one-world teething issues. This is it – tune into another dopamine twist. Get ready for time checks, you’re getting the inside track of the Paradise Paradox.


The Eps:

Episode 101 – Choose Liberty, or Choose Domination
Episode 102 – Feeling Success

The Links:

Proverb 16

Michio Kaku 3 types of Civilisations

Power of dreams

Man proposes, God disposes

Episode 100 – Closet Communist

The Episode:

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The Cash:

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Story:

In this episode Kurt and Aaron are discussing an ‘Anarchapulco nights’ experience, where Aaron had his mind blown. He recounts a conversation with fellow Anarchapulco attendee ‘Pitstop’. The conversation was based on ideas of capitalist vs communist – not so much in which one is better, but rather, which aspects could be used to create a better world. During this conversation Aaron’s perspective was shifted – now, a changed man.

Taking a look at this wider world, it is not difficult to see that much of it is upside down. Where vaccines cause illness, the law protects the guilty, government does not represent the collective public and politicians are financed puppets. Our world of capitalism appears to be nothing more than a brand of consumerism, greed and corruption. True capitalism has been taken away and hidden far from the naive and drugged first world. Has the wool has been pulled over our eyes? Or have our eyes been removed – somewhat like the beaks of mass produced chickens?

Homework for this episode, might be to check-in on your own understanding of a free market system? For the mean time feed your cannabinoids and put on your brain helm as here is another head rattling episode of The Paradise Paradox!!!

The Eps:

Liberty Hip Hop Live at Anarchapulco 2016

Using Sustainable Agriculture To Make A Cooperative Earth: Kenny Palurintano

Anarchist Adventurer Kenny Palurintano

Anarchapulco Nights

Anarchapulco 2015 Breakdown

The Links:

Izucar de Matamoros

Speech by José Pepe Mujica at Río20

Liberland – offical site

Liberland mini documentary

Anarchast Ep. 217 Vit Jedlička: The President of the New Anarcho-Capitalist State Liberland

Episode 99 – Masculine intuition

The Episode:

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Remember to subscribe on iTunes or subscribe on Pocket Casts.

If you enjoyed the episode, don’t keep it a secret! Feel free to share it on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Reddit, or your office bathroom wall.

The Cash:

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Story:

In this episode kurt brings to our attention to what appears to be a break up over a messenger chat. The screen shot was captured and uploaded as a Facebook status. Kurt and Aaron enjoy the role play then discuss their thoughts on what is actually happening here.

There are super heroes amongst us, however for most people relationships can be daunting, intimidating and confusing. At any stage of relations people can find themselves caught up and emotional charged. The world is about to end – a text message wasn’t answered, the un-answered phone call, or returning to 12 missed calls. These are examples of the land mines of the dating game.

We visit the theme of personal perspectives, where everyone must be accountable for how we choose to interact in this world, Saagar put it, “You don’t see the world as it is, you see it, as you are.” Personal growth is the never ending story and closing this gap is a life-time of serious work. So to get a quick fix of higher knowledge, butter the popcorn and put down the Rubik’s cube, here is another mind expanding episode of The Paradise Paradox!!!