Tag: anarchist

How did I become an anarchist – Best Bits

Kurt is interviewed by Jeff Berwick on Anarchast, and is asked Jeff’s favourite question, “How did you become an anarchist?” Kurt explains how he put the pieces of liberty together – understanding social or personal liberty, understanding economic liberty, understanding the philosophical and legal aspects, and finally having the “click”, realising that a state is unnecessary and undesirable.

Watch and listen to the full interview here: Kurt on Anarchast – Living Freely and Enjoying the Ride

Kurt Robinson Raps “False Flag” at Anarchapulco 2017

This is a track about how large governments like to threaten, scare and even murder the people they are supposed to represent, in order to achieve political, military or imperial goals. The video is from my performance at Anarchapulco 2017. If the audio isn’t clear enough, you can also listen to this version I recorded in my bedroom years ago.

Thanks Again to Doug Scribner, Ryan Herbison, Dan Dicks of Press For Truth, Nathan Freeman, and everyone who made this event possible.


if you want people to accept anything
first they’ve got to believe it’s for their benefit
if you can scare them, strike fear in their hearts
then you can start cutting their freedoms apart

they’re lonely, afraid, need leadership
show them you’ll be shepherd to their sheep again
give them the motivation which they surely lack
show them they need you with a false flag

nero wanted to rebuild Rome in his image
and turn the populace against the Christians
he took a torch to realise his fiery vision
playing the lyre for anyone who would listen

1915, Lusitania cruised the Irish Sea
100 Americans on her, loose & free
Germany warned, we know you have ammo on board
US ignored, it got torpedoed and torn

Times said Germany took the day off to applaud
perfect excuse to enter the First World War

1933 february
Nazis built a fire at parliament’s feet
hitler issued a decree, saying we’re under attack
that was his version of the PATRIOT act

six years later, Gleiwitz radio station
Himmler’s operation, set up the Polish invasion
SS troops in Polish uniforms, stormed the building
Found the Polish sympathiser and killed him

Broadcast some hate speech in their supposed language
Left the body as evidence for the cameras

40, mccollum wrote a memo, strategies and all
on how to lead Japan to an overt act of war
FDR fired the admiral wanting to leave Hawai’i
He knew if they stayed they did it suicidally
Then the Japs attacked at Pearl Harbour
Sending the boys home with caps on their caskets
doing exactly what it was sure to do
that’s how the US got into World War Deuce

Now 9/11 might have been a fine deception
you have an opinion what happened, i won’t question
the next day they passed the Act, hardly had to write it down
500 pages, they just had it lying around

if you want people to accept anything
first they’ve got to believe it’s for their benefit
if you can scare them, strike fear in their hearts
then you can start cutting their freedoms apart

they’re lonely, afraid, need leadership
show them you’ll be shepherd to their sheep again
give them the motivation which they surely lack
show them they need you with a false flag

Kurt Robinson Raps – “Free” Verse

freedom of movement and a free life
free love & compassion can free minds
free thinking your thoughts can be free
free association and freedom of speech

free to be emotional free to be calm
the right to self defence free to bear arms
while the kids demand a free education
shit ain’t free, you must be freebasin

i know you heard this one it’s some deep stuff
there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch
free mp3s downloaded we handle
i’ll steal the beat for this track a free sample

monogamy polyamory and free lovin
live your whole life think you’re in a free country
constitutional republic as long as it lasted
abolish gov. for a strong free market

wander through the hotel get free wifi
free your imagination through your mind’s eye
make freedom so common it seems boring
i forgot my clean underwear i’m freeballin

none of those phony laws you should believe in
victimless crime spree derrick j freeman
drug dealin free enterprise you can be the boss
and that reminds me man – free ross!

The Road to Anarchapulco: Kenny Palurintano – Episode 140

The Story: Kenny travels from festival to festival

Kenny Palurintano is an anarchist, a traveller, and an all-round nice guy. For 16 months, he has been on a journey to “help build a new neural network for the Earth, connecting humans, communities, and organizations from all across the planet.” He has visited many festivals and events, cooked for many strangers, and distributed literature to get the cogs moving in people’s brains, to inspire them to think about liberty in new ways. Now Kenny is on a new leg of his journey, in preparation for Anarchapulco 2017, and he’s asking for your help to continue his work.

In this episode, Aaron and Kurt discuss many topics with Kenny, such as his trip around North America, or Turtle Island as it’s known more traditionally, the philanthropism of Manoj Bhargava, Kenny’s experience at rainbow gatherings and other events full of free spirits, the philosophical differences between anarcho-capitalism and other types of anarchism, and whether it’s necessary to bridge the gap between them.

If you like what Kenny is doing, please feel free to reach out to him or help him here: The Road to Anarchapulco!

The Eps:

Using sustainable agriculture to make a cooperative earth: Kenny Palurintano – Episode 96

Anarchist adventurer: Kenny Palurintano – Episode 73

The Links:

The Road to Anarchapulco announcement and crowdfunding

Kenny’s Conscious Kitchen

Kenny’s Conscious Kitchen on Facebook

Billions in Change film about Manoj Bhargava

The Cash:

If you enjoy our posts, please have a look at The Paradise Paradox’s page on Steemit where you can join, earn money, and upvote our posts to help support the show! You can also find a lot of additional content which is not posted on this site, with Kurt’s posts on Steemit and Aaron’s posts on Steemit.

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Episode:

Audio Player

To download the audio, right click and press “save as”.

Remember to subscribe on iTunes or subscribe on Pocket Casts.

If you enjoyed the episode, don’t keep it a secret! Feel free to share it on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Reddit, or your office bathroom wall.

Presidential election: Two party clown show – Episode 134

The Story: 2016 Presidential election: Two party clown show

This is the weirdest election ever! It doesn’t represent the idea of a democracy at all. The idea of allowing the whole population to have a say and choose representatives, has been lost long ago and apparently to the people in power, it’s obsolete. The US ’two party system’ has nothing to do with finding the best head and body for a free country, but rather a distraction for the masses. This current US election has the taken form of a celebrity reality TV show – just with a bigger budget. Where the contestants fight their way through a series of social media obstacles to a final and super episode. The winner takes all! Payment in full of all capital invested and a director’s seat to the empire. Presidential perks accompanied with all tools of the trade, the oak Hollywood desk, a fancy white house and a panel of shiny red buttons – 50/50, ask the audience, phone a friend.

After scratching the surface, it was evident that Kurt and I shouldn’t even be talking about this – why pay attention to the charade – other than for entertainment value? But this is no joking matter. Many, many people have given their power and responsibility away to these clowns. Watching the show, believing the lies and even picking a side. Who is actually involved here? Are your bets in? Unfortunately many continue to waste their friends’ time by talking about such rubbish.

Here is the truth – if we actually lived in a civilised society, with sound values and respect for others, there would be no need to live in governed regions, where people are controlled and manipulated. In today’s situation we need to be individually micro-managed – told what to eat, told how many hours to sleep and how we should be living.

Thank God that they all have television, I would hate to see what would actually happen it they started thinking for themselves, say the ‘people in charge’.

In a civilised country, government should be quiet and gradually shrinking away. A small and productive government shouldn’t even be noticed. Honestly, I am not even sure why free and civilised people would need a government. What they might need more is the protection from the threat of government.

Take a break from the direct mind control and plug into something alternative… The Paradise Paradox!

The Eps:

Government is force
The system works
Peyote overview
Ayahuasca Diaries Part 1

The Links:

The Simpsons – Two party system
The US Elections Explained: The Two Party System
Putin warns Americans: You’re being distracted!
You Can Always Leave
How Government Works
Government explained by an alien
Freedom trumps fear: Everything you do is an act of liberty

The Cash:

If you enjoy our posts, please have a look at The Paradise Paradox’s page on Steemit where you can join, earn money, and upvote our posts to help support the show! You can also find a lot of additional content which is not posted on this site, with Kurt’s posts on Steemit and Aaron’s posts on Steemit.

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Episode:

Audio Player

To download the audio, right click and press “save as”.

Remember to subscribe on iTunes or subscribe on Pocket Casts.

If you enjoyed the episode, don’t keep it a secret! Feel free to share it on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Reddit, or your office bathroom wall.

Deciding to Bug In: The Australian Experience – Episode 132

Australian Return: Deciding to Bug-in

This is the rehash episode where I (Aaron) wanted to talk about ‘bugging in’, this episode also continues with the interesting adventures of returning to Australian life.


‘Bugging in’ is similar to the term ‘bugging-out’, it is the term commonly used by many preppers and military personnel when they find themselves in a undesired location and need to quickly vacate. Preppers are people which are preparing for the end of days mega event, or any situation where they may need to defend their survival. Plans need to be made for extreme situations, like where everyone looses the plot, turns crazy and start killing themselves or mass zombie attacks. Either way, you and perhaps a small team are the only ones who are now ready to save the planet and continue the human race.


Roughly two years ago I relocated to Mexico, which was suppose to be the key part of my planned bug-out mission. Other key factors in consideration were, a location on high ground, abundance of fresh food, preferably local farming, resistant population with traditional skills and a society with a high percentage of physical cash. Guadalajara, Mexico – Perfect!


Now having returned to Australia after an extended time in Mexico, its almost like the execution of my doomsday prepper’s plan to leave Australia didn’t happen at all. So here is where I was suppose to talk about the master bug-in plan. ‘Bugging-in’ is what happens when a prepper is unable to leave an undesired location, or when their location becomes the safest option, perhaps from a lack of local knowledge or planning. Usually this means boarding up the windows of your house or apartment and bunkering down. Of course a prepper would have this all organised, bug out bag packed (Bug in bag in this case), survival supplies, long-life food and weapons.


However with Australia being the extreme country it is, everyone should be prepared to be bugging in or bugging out on a weekend basis. By the way camping and outdoor life is the favourite Aussie pass time, so I guess most of us already do that.

The Eps:

Ayzee Returns to Australia

Opting Out

Bonus – Our ideas

The Links:

Million Dollar Baby – Trailer

South Australias worst Storm in 50 yrs

The Cash:

If you enjoy our posts, please have a look at our page on Steemit where you can join and upvote our posts to help support the show!

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Episode:

Audio Player

To download the audio, right click and press “save as”.

Remember to subscribe on iTunes or subscribe on Pocket Casts.

If you enjoyed the episode, don’t keep it a secret! Feel free to share it on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Reddit, or your office bathroom wall.




Anam Paiseanta: The peaceful political revolution – Episode 127

The Story: The peaceful political revolution

There is a natural phenomenon happening where ‘very normal’ people find themselves asking obvious and straightforward questions about everyday things. What’s happening to the weather? What’s happening to my neighbourhood? What’s happening to my investments? Many people can feel that there is something not right. These occurrences are now increasing, the questions are growing, people are peeling back the layers of illusion and asking for truth.

Now we live in a very different and very connected world, where social media and alternative media channels have been fueling ‘the awakening’. The sharing of knowledge, truth and ideas is having a massive effect in the fight to increase awareness. For all of us this is an on-going process, and the spiritual shift is now well underway, though we still have a long way to go.

In this episode Anam Paiseanta joins us to explain that we, as a society, must evolve individually, and join together, to consciously out grow of the current political system. The personal principles needed to get us all moving in the right direction can be found in anarchism. These are all ‘normal’ things – the love and respect for mankind, justice, cooperation, voluntaryism, the non-aggression-principle, personality responsibility and self-ownership. Your personal evolution will path the way to a much larger and social and political revolution. Anam also tells us about the progress on his team’s “Connector” app, which will allow people to connect with like-minded individuals, and even form hidden, counter-economies among themselves.

Here is where Anam’s formula of “A-Cubed” or “the three A’s” is leading to the evolution that enables the real world revolution:
1. Awakening – Sharing knowledge, memes – reminding each other of truth
2. Activism – Prevention of government indoctrination by educating the youth, alternative schooling
3. Agorism – Projects – Counter-economics, creating the new system, what can I do to add value?

The time is now – to tune in and turn up. The Paradise Paradox presents Anam Paiseanta!

The Eps:

Anam Paiseanta – Living rent free

Non-Aggression Principle


Anarchapulco 2015 Breakdown

The Links:

VIDEO: Trust Among Anarchists

Anam speaks at Real Sons of Anarchy

Anam Paiseanta’s website

Three Friends Free: A Children’s Story of Voluntarism

Connector App – Meet friends you haven’t met yet

Anarchapulco 2017 Pre-Sale

How to make homemade sauerkraut

The Cash:

If you enjoy our posts, please have a look at The Paradise Paradox’s page on Steemit where you can join, earn money, and upvote our posts to help support the show! You can also find a lot of additional content which is not posted on this site, with Kurt’s posts on Steemit and Aaron’s posts on Steemit.

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Episode:

Audio Player

To download the audio, right click and press “save as”.

Remember to subscribe on iTunes or subscribe on Pocket Casts.

If you enjoyed the episode, don’t keep it a secret! Feel free to share it on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Reddit, or your office bathroom wall.

Episode 97 – Surviving A Bus Crash

The Episode:

Audio Player

To download the audio, right click and press “save as”.

Remember to subscribe on iTunes or subscribe on Pocket Casts.

If you enjoyed the episode, don’t keep it a secret! Feel free to share it on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Reddit, or your office bathroom wall.

The Cash:

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Story:

In this episode Kurt and Aaron are talking about their recent personal events since leaving Anarchapulco, the largest Anarchist-Capitalist conference in Acapulco, Mexico. On the return trip home from the conference, Kurt was involved in a serious bus accident, where his bus collided with a semitrailer. On impact Kurt’s forehead was split on the seat in front and he awoke to gashing blood from his head. Thinking that this could be the end, Kurt was able to remain calm by controlling his breathing and acted smart by attending to his head wound – these factors saved his life. Kurt has since returned to Guadalajara and is safe and sound.

Meanwhile Aaron has found himself in New Jersey where he is visiting family, all due to a visa mishap. As Australians, both Aaron and Kurt have the luxury of easy travel, worry free boarder crossing and confident visa applications – that is if a visa is required at all. With an Australian passport one has access to 138 countries with no visa required and has a power rank of 9 on the passport index. However, Aaron’s wife has a Mexican passport, which ranks 22 in comparison – Joanna will need a visa to travel via the USA and a visa to enter Australia. Considering visas are compulsory, expensive and time consuming, it appears that perhaps not all people are born equal, whereas Australians live young and free.

The Links:

Passport Index

Episode 73 – Anarchist Adventurer Kenny Palurintano

The Episode:

Audio Player

To download the audio, right click and press “save as”.

Remember to subscribe on iTunes or subscribe on Pocket Casts.

If you enjoyed the episode, don’t keep it a secret! Feel free to share it on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Reddit, or your office bathroom wall.

The Cash:

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Story:

As a wise and curious wandering man once said “Take care of today, and tomorrow will take care of itself.” The truth is, few people have the courage and confidence in themselves to live their lives by these words. What if you were put in a position where you had no money, and no way to maintain your survival except for your skills and the mutual compassion of those around you? Better yet, what if you put yourself in that position knowing that it was the only way that you could truly be honest with yourself. That is one of the many stories of a curious individual who goes by the name of Kenny Palurintano.

To step out into the world with only $200, spend that $200 within the first couple of days feeding your friends, without knowing exactly where your next meal is coming from… might take some king kong sized cojones. Or it might just take a little self-knowledge and a little faith in oneself.

In this episode we talk to Kenny about a few of his adventures, his ways of getting by, and his ideas of an ideal society – how mature people working together and working on their passions might lead us to a better world of abundance and happiness. Kenny provides us with some real-life examples of communities and events that already exist using similar tribal or family-based models.

So join us on another bone-rattling, dumpster-diving, heart-filling adventure on … The Paradise Paradox!

The Links:

Alais Clay

Alais Clay – Heavy Koolaid

Star Tribe Alliance

Lost Valley Education Center

Black Bear Ranch Intentional Community

Fellowship for Intentional Community

Detroit Threat Management Center interview with Dale Brown

Zeitgeist: Addendum

The Venus Project

Anarchapulco 2016

Terence McKenna 2012 Final Thoughts

Khan Academy – you can learn anything!

Massively online courses for everyone

Rob Hustle ft. Bump – Call the Cops

Anarchast 248 with Adam Kokesh