Tag: satoshi nakamoto

Bitcoin Boom Bust – The Crypto Market Cycle: Episode 189

The Story: The four stages of the digital currency cycle

The crypto market reached 830 billion on January 8th 2018, and now by February 6th, it’s taken a sharp drop to 300 billion. Speculators all over the world are shaking their heads until they hold their heads and wondering why, what happened. Nobody has any clear answers, but it can be enlightening to look at the patterns that normally play out in this market.

  1. The boring phase. Savvy investors are quitely putting their cash in, developers are plunking away at their keyboards in dark basements. On the surface, nobody really cares about crypto. The only news that reaches the mainstream is sensational pieces about future technology, or witchhunts for Satoshi Nakamoto. The total market cap goes down, or sideways.
  2. The organic growth phase. New investors start getting involved, hobbyists and techies who see the potential of the technology. The media starts running some stories about the price action during the odd spike or drop. The market cap goes up, slowly and steadily.
  3. The hype growth stage. The greater public start hearing more about it, and seeing the price action makes them start sweating. They feel the fear of missing out, and they decide to invest. The market gets into a feedback loop with big media – media notices the price action, hypes it, leading to more buying, leading to more more price action and media attention. At this stage, you’ll start to see people on social media saying how Bitcoin can only go up, saying it’s a new paradigm. The market cap might jump up more than 10% in a day.
  4. The dead phase. Nobody knows exactly how it starts – perhaps a whale takes profits, and the price drops suddenly. Pretty quickly, all of the investors for the fear of missing out, decide they will exit based on the fear of loss. The media declares Bitcoin and digital currency dead once again, and slowly they lose interest.

Soon enough, the cycle restarts, and we enter a new 3 to 9 boring months where, from the outside, nothing seems to happen.

Of course, history never repeats exactly, but by being aware of these patterns we start to have an idea where things are headed, and wherever we are on the path we can learn to be grateful for the opportunities that we do have. Join Kurt on a roller-coaster ride of emotions from terror to gratitude in this spine-tingling, spine-rattling episode of… The Paradise Paradox!

The Eps:

Crypto Crash January 2018 – Episode 188

Bitcoin over 9000 – Time to take profits! Episode 184

Don’t get Goxxed – Bitfinex, Bittrex & Coinbase

Bitcoin’s path to ruin – Episode 185

The Links:

Crypto Crash – Lessons for the patient, and those who wish to be

Bitcoin’s uncertain future

The Cash:

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The Episode:

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Alien economics – The ideas economy

In the evolution of money, first comes barter, then goods like silver, gold and conch shells, then comes fiat currency, then cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin. What comes next? At each step of the way, people trade something which represents an idea – the idea of labour, or the idea of value provided. What if we could trade ideas themselves?

Episode 104 – Future Value of Bitcoin: The Block Size Debate

The Episode:

To download the audio, right click and press “save as”.

Remember to subscribe on iTunes or subscribe on Pocket Casts.

If you enjoyed the episode, don’t keep it a secret! Feel free to share it on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Reddit, or your office bathroom wall.

The Cash:

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Story:

Bitcoin has now been around since 2009, so far it has proven itself as a viable form of money, as well as a stand alone financial ecosystem for transferring value. However, as Bitcoin is growing in transaction volume, this next quarter might have its challenges and many have mixed ideas about the future of this new technology. Experts have been divided over the key issue – to increase the block size or not. Along with this long running block size debate, Bitcoin will soon reach another critical milestone – the next reduction in mining reward (bitcoin halving). Here we have what might cause to the additional growth of backlogged bitcoin transactions and a reduction in Bitcoin processing power.

In this episode Kurt and Aaron discuss their thoughts on these uncertainties and upcoming events of Bitcoin. For anyone invested in Bitcoin or interested in getting involved, its time to get serious about your crypto strategy. We all have a paradise of research ahead… Join us in a portfolio shaking and fingernail biting episode of The Paradise Paradox!

[Edit: Kurt says that Bitcoin Classic isn’t widely used, but that’s incorrect, as Bitcoin Classic is now approaching 25% of total Bitcoin nodes. 10th of May, 2016]

The Eps:

Episode 75 – Andreas Antonopoulos: The Disruptarian
Episode 76 – Is Wright The Wrong Satoshi
Episode 78 – Humberto Quintanilla: PulseBTC
Episode 79 – Amanda B. Johnson & Pete Eyre: The Daily Decrypt
Episode 80 – Diego Gutiérrez Zaldívar: SystemaD
Episode 82 – Tuur Demeester: Adamant Research
Episode 84 – Bitcoin Price Factors (BTC halving)
Episode 85 – Diaz Rodolfo: Musical Bitcoin
Episode 52 – The Panopticon & Your Privacy: Juan Galt

The Links:

Episode 76 – Is Wright The Wrong Satoshi?

The Episode:

To download the audio, right click and press “save as”.

Remember to subscribe on iTunes or subscribe on Pocket Casts.

If you enjoyed the episode, don’t keep it a secret! Feel free to share it on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Reddit, or your office bathroom wall.

The Cash:

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Story:

Within the Bitcoin space, and yellow journalism, there has been the long running mystery – who is Satoshi Nakamoto? Run a quick search and Google will tell you the following things;

  1. It’s the pseudonym used by the individual or team who developed Bitcoin.
  2. Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto was incorrectly named as the creator of Bitcoin by Newsweek magazine.
  3. A previously unknown man named Craig Wright is (probably) the real Satoshi Nakamoto.

Craig Wright has been the latest person to have been accused of being the ‘Satoshi Nakamoto’. These accusations published by ‘Wired’ and ‘Gizmodo’ may have led to the raids on his family house and office by Australian Federal Police (AFP), with the raids occurring just a few hours after the articles were published. The authorities claimed the raids were unrelated, and when Reuters reporter Jane Wardell asked the police what they were doing, one officer gave the elusive answer: “clearing the house”.

Although there has been no public response by Craig Wright, the media continues in frenzy. Although it is interesting, the question among many Bitcoiners is: why do we need to know the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto? Why do people care? He may be holding hundreds of millions of dollars in Bitcoin, and probably deserves a solid pat on the back – but is that really a reason for a tabloid manhunt?

However, if the question must be asked, then the evidence must be duly considered and analysed. In this episode we review the recording from the Las Vegas Bitcoin Investor Conference where Craig Wright makes a public appearance and talks (vaguely) about his interaction with Bitcoin, and sift through some articles to determine the probability that sensationalistic journalists have indeed discovered Mr. Bitcoin himself, in the form of Mr. Wright. Join us in a hair-raising analysis as we follow the blockchain into another episode of … The Paradise Paradox!

The Eps:

The Paradise Paradox Episode 16 – Anarchapulco Breakdown

The Paradise Paradox Episode 20 – Anarchapulco Nights

The Links:

Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto denies being Craig Wright (maybe)

Reported bitcoin ‘founder’ Craig Wright’s home raided by Australian police

Bitcoin Investor Conference – Las Vegas, NV 29th & 30th October – Craig Wrights snippets

Satoshi Nakamoto is (probably) Nick Szabo

This Police Raid May Have Solved the Bitcoin Creator Riddle

Bitcoin’s Creator Satoshi Nakamoto Is Probably This Unknown Australian Genius

‘Satoshi’ Denies Being Wright Amid Doubts Over PGP Data

Export of cryptography from the United States

Satoshi’s PGP Keys Are Probably Backdated and Point to a Hoax

Who is Craig Wright and how likely is it that he’s behind bitcoin?

Here’s what the rumoured creator of bitcoin was up to before he disappeared