Tag: blockchain

Bitcoin vs Dash – Ridiculous comments on Dash

The Story: Fun, interesting and exciting comments about Dash

If you bring up the cryptocurrency Dash among people who know anything about it, you’ll probably get a diverse range of opinions. Some people hate it and believe it’s nothing but a fraud. Other people love it and believe it’s the currency of the future. And others still believe its rise has more to do with sex appeal than any usefulness.

In this episode, Kurt digs into the cesspool known as “the YouTube comment section” and responds to the most interesting and bizarre among them. He discusses SegWit and how it causes mental blocks among Bitcoiners, user experience, Bitcoin as a blue chip company or international clearing house, the security of Bitcoin compared to Dash, the sex appeal of Dash, the fantastic dream of cryptocurrency, what Dash’s marketing says about it, Dash as a business, centralisation, whether someone could control 50% of masternodes, the instamine or fast mine of Dash, what is a Ponzi scheme and whether Dash is one, and finally whether Dash is just a big scam in general.

Join us on a crypto adventure in the next exciting episode of … The Paradise Paradox!

The Eps:

Why Amanda B. Johnson loves Dash – Episode 155

Dash vs Bitcoin – which will reach mass adoption first? – Episode 154

The Links:

Dash Central

The Cash:

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Episode 109 – Bitcoin Halving

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We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Story:

In this episode Aaron and Kurt discuss some of the late action to come to Bitcoin. Aaron recently attended the CDMX Bitcoin meetup in Mexico City, where he tunes into the Mexican bitcoin vibe. Although the spotlight was taken by Ethereum and the DAO, it was still a Bitcoin meet up. The Bitcoin discussion took focus on the upcoming Bitcoin halving, where the mining reward falls from 25 bitcoins to 12.5 bitcoins per 10 minute block. This deflation mechanism is built into the Bitcoin blockchain algorithm, as outlined in the Bitcoin White Paper. The bitcoin currency is receiving much price speculation as a result of the supply and demand economics of this mathematical change. The past months have seen a gradual rise in the bitcoin price – this is believed to be an early result of the near halving. However, with endless factors in the bitcoin price discovery, nobody can ever state for sure. What we do know, is that, Bitcoin is growing up.

We are now 33 days or less away from the halving and everyone is keenly watching the bitcoin price. With early and positive movements in the bitcoin price, we can only look for hints in the Bitcoin statistics. A note taken at the Bitcoin meet up – Mexican bitcoin exchanges are experiencing an increased in exchange activity, this is based on the increased inflow of fiat currency for the exchange for bitcoin. Not just the active trade activity, there are huge increases in the fresh money into the bitcoin economy.

Sometimes its difficult to imagine the Bitcoin money system growing to equal the government constructed and controlled one, but there are many ways to view Bitcoin. Some see Bitcoin as new money, others see it as a fast remittance system and some of us see it as a technological advancement in world communication. Bitcoin is all these things and more; this is the beginning of a completely new era of world finance. By this I mean, Bitcoin is the game changer that most of us have been waiting for. The increased adoption of Bitcoin will have very heavy implications for governance, social ideologies, world economics and trade – and will leave those who think they are in charge, questioning their own levels of control. Here, they will find no choice but, to let ‘man’ free. This is one that only Father Time knows how it will play out and maybe the true nature of the financial super hero!

The Eps:

The Links:

1967 Scrooge McDuck and Money

Why do big banks fear Bitcoin? 

Bitcoin Block Reward Halving = Upcoming Price Increase! – Trace Mayer Interview

Bitcoin Block Reward Halving – Countdown Clock

Bitcoin is built to incite peaceful anarchy

Record highs predicted as new supply halves

Episode 104 – Future Value of Bitcoin: The Block Size Debate

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The Cash:

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Story:

Bitcoin has now been around since 2009, so far it has proven itself as a viable form of money, as well as a stand alone financial ecosystem for transferring value. However, as Bitcoin is growing in transaction volume, this next quarter might have its challenges and many have mixed ideas about the future of this new technology. Experts have been divided over the key issue – to increase the block size or not. Along with this long running block size debate, Bitcoin will soon reach another critical milestone – the next reduction in mining reward (bitcoin halving). Here we have what might cause to the additional growth of backlogged bitcoin transactions and a reduction in Bitcoin processing power.

In this episode Kurt and Aaron discuss their thoughts on these uncertainties and upcoming events of Bitcoin. For anyone invested in Bitcoin or interested in getting involved, its time to get serious about your crypto strategy. We all have a paradise of research ahead… Join us in a portfolio shaking and fingernail biting episode of The Paradise Paradox!

[Edit: Kurt says that Bitcoin Classic isn’t widely used, but that’s incorrect, as Bitcoin Classic is now approaching 25% of total Bitcoin nodes. 10th of May, 2016]

The Eps:

Episode 75 – Andreas Antonopoulos: The Disruptarian
Episode 76 – Is Wright The Wrong Satoshi
Episode 78 – Humberto Quintanilla: PulseBTC
Episode 79 – Amanda B. Johnson & Pete Eyre: The Daily Decrypt
Episode 80 – Diego Gutiérrez Zaldívar: SystemaD
Episode 82 – Tuur Demeester: Adamant Research
Episode 84 – Bitcoin Price Factors (BTC halving)
Episode 85 – Diaz Rodolfo: Musical Bitcoin
Episode 52 – The Panopticon & Your Privacy: Juan Galt

The Links:

Episode 80 – Diego Gutiérrez Zaldívar: SystemaD

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The Cash:

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Story:

‘You might say I am a dreamer, but I’m not the only one’ – the famous lyrics from John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’. John Lennon described his vision for a world of peace and equality, where all people are able to interact and contribute on a level playing field. SystemaD is striving to make this a reality. SystemaD is a technological platform allowing access to banking services without the formal control of traditional systems. It utilises blockchain technology, the transparent distributed ledger that makes up the backbone of Bitcoin. This grants all individuals access to build a reputation based on their personal economic participation, which can be then trusted by the larger community for future dealings.

Unfortunately, this vision of peace and economic equality still has its hurdles. Until all people of the world are free from the force of government and free from the economic vice grip of capital controls, this will never be the case. Economically, people must be free to choose how to participate and how to store their value. This means, a free market – where individuals trade without the bond to a government issued fiat currency and without market altering taxes and regulations. These free individuals then act responsibility in identifying their best way to serve their community, in way of production of goods and services and as they see fit.

Mckinsey & Company produced a research paper in 2009 stating that half the world’s adult population is unbanked. Considering that the World Bank has identified that “access to affordable financial services is linked to overcoming poverty, and increasing economic growth”, banking institutions have been very proactive in issuing bank accounts to their human livestock. As a coincidence, reports and trends of poverty (people living on less than $1.90 per day) has been on the decline, data states that poverty has dropped from  37.1% in 1990 to 12.7% in 2012. However, with no mention of the effect of inflation and no tangible living standards measure, it becomes difficult to measure realistic progress. As of 2015 the World Bank reports that, approximately 2.5 billion people worldwide still do not have a formal account at a financial institution.

There are various reasons why the unbanked  remain so – insufficient documentation, travel distance, related service costs and general poverty. Essentially, the acute environmental circumstances exclude these people from access to the services offered by the financial and banking system. These are all problems which SystemaD is helping to bypass.

Research conducted by Lederle has shown that there are some serious after-effects and negative psychological outcomes that result from this exclusion. SystemaD is able to tackle the direct issue of exclusion of economic activity, as well as removing the need for a formal banking account. The platform gives direct access to financial services, facilitating market trade activities, the outcome has benefits far beyond financial health for the people involved.

Access and inclusion of basic banking services have shown to have positive impacts on people’s health. In particular, individuals grow a heightened sense of confidence, self-esteem, sense of empowerment, security and control. This extends to the individual building an education and knowledge in money management strategies, which increases employability, entrepreneurship and general well-being. The SystemaD team is witnessing, and has confirmed, the positive effect of using technology to close a gap of the old financial world, which can only build positive momentum.

In this episode we interview Diego Gutiérrez Zaldívar from SystemaD, where we talk about the goals and developments of the SystemaD platform. We discuss how education and training is crucial when launching a new platform, as well as the importance of organic uptake for growth of an open economy. Join us in another poverty-disrupting, well-being uplifting episode of … The Paradise Paradox!

The Links:


World Bank – Who are the unbanked

World Bank poverty data

Massive drop in unbanked population

Lederle, 2009, Exploring the Impacts of Improved Financial Inclusion on the Lives of Disadvantaged People

Episode 72 – Bitnation Ambassadors: Erik Vollstädt

The Episode:

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The Cash:

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Story:

Bitnation is an organisation that has been labeled “governance 2.0” – which offers voluntary and borderless governance services across an decentralised platform. This platform for government can be designed to meet specific requirements for communities and has already been a success across various pilot programs – marriage, land registry and deeding.

In this episode of The Paradise Paradox, I interview Erik Vollstädt – the global lead ambassador of Bitnation. I ask Erik how he found himself involved in Bitnation and his journey to becoming global lead ambassador. We discuss his plans for team growth, task allocations and aspirations for a future global bitnation team of hundreds of ambassadors. This ambassador network will lead teams all across the world, the individual ambassadors will be directly involved with local governments and working to produce governance solutions.

Latin America is showing big potential, and that’s where Erik is choosing to focus. Building synergy between ambassadors will be beneficial in producing transferable products and tutorials for the citizens in that geographical area. Currently amongst the Latin American countries there are active ambassadors in Mexico, Colombia, Uruguay and Argentina.

Erik is eager to continue building momentum and increase the Bitnation team, so, anyone interested in assisting the development of Bitnation contact Erik on Facebook. Or just get involved and be a part of the new world, becoming a world citizen by visiting the Bitnation website.

Be prepared to have your world changed by a decentralised paradigm shift as you enjoy this episode of The Paradise Paradox.

The Links:

Eric Vollstädt – Global Lead Ambassador

BITNATION: Rick Falkvinge

Toni Lane Casserly, Bitnation – Governance 2.0 Civic Tech Showcase Presentation

Land Registry and Deeding

World Citizenship