Tag: bitcoin price

Bitcoin – Predict the Price? Cryptonomics


Is it possible to know where the crypto market is heading? Can you tell when the market is overbought, overheated, and getting close to a correction?

Here are three simple ways you can get an idea of where the crypto market is heading, especially when a lot of money is moving into the market, and it’s reaching the peak of a bull market. Let’s look at our own biases, then our own emotions, and finally some patterns of behaviour of others on social media.

Recency Bias

Being aware of your own biases can help you step back and see things more clearly, maintaining perspective where you otherwise might lose it. Recency bias is one of these biases, where you believe you know what will continue to happen, because you’re prioritising the events of recent months.

In past months, we saw comments on social media like: “I don’t think it’ll go down that much. It doesn’t seem like it’ll go that low. I don’t feel it’ll drop like that.” Thinking, seeming, feeling… But where’s the evidence? The evidence is probably that things have been this way recently, so they’re giving this data priority.

A lot of people made this mistake when BTC was around $15,000, thinking no way it could go down to $5,000 again. At time of writing it’s around $6,300 and $5,000 seems like a real possibility. If they’d been looking back at the 2013 bull run, they could see when BTC went up to $1,100 then bottomed out around $200 8 months later, it would have given them a much clearer picture of what was possible.

Similarly, we see this when crypto has been going down for 6 months. If someone isn’t really into markets, tell them you’re thinking of buying now and they might say “Why? Isn’t that whole thing dead?” The market goes up for a few months, people think it’ll never fall. The market goes down for a few months, people think it’ll never recover.

The lesson is: when you think you know where something is going, ask yourself how you know. Maybe you don’t know. It might just be recency bias.

Your own emotional guide

One wonderful tool you can use to judge what is going on in the market, is your own emotions.

Here is one common scenario for cryptonauts: You’ve put a fair chunk of cash into a project when it was doing nothing, and now it’s taking off. You start wondering “Is this thing going to make me a millionaire?” You see the figures and your head starts swimming, you feel light-headed and say to yourself “Hoo… that’s a lot of money.” Right at that point, at that moment, you will know that other people are feeling the same. It’s almost certainly a sign that you’re overexposed to the market. Start thinking how you would feel if it dropped back down and you didn’t take at least a little profit, to have something to show for your stress.

Or let’s say you haven’t put much money into a project, and you’ve seen it go up 5x without you. You start thinking “Everyone’s going to be a millionaire but me!” You start thinking about where to get some quick cash to put into it so you don’t miss out. At that moment, you will know that other people are feeling the same. It might keep going up before it goes down, but you need to know, any money you put in at that point is very risky. You’re feeling it, other people are feeling it, so you know it’s close to the top.

The lesson is: your own emotions are a powerful guide to tell you what other people are thinking and feeling.

Social media sentiment

Another great tool for seeing where the market is heading, is social media. There’s always going to be a lot of noise out there, but by digesting people’s comments, seeing where their heads are at, you’re going to hear the thoughts of the money in the market. If there’s a bunch of people with their heads down working on building the future, you might not hear so much about it – hard work isn’t always noisy. If there’s a multitude of people, fresh to the market, thinking they know it all, believing themselves genius traders, rest assured, if you look at Facebook groups and YouTube comments, you will hear them. Look out for these clusters of behaviour, and treat them as warning signs.

Poetic speech

People say “This is a new paradigm! The dollar is crashing against crypto! BTC isn’t the bubble; it’s the pin!” There is a little bit of truth to these statements, and that’s what makes them so seductive. They have this poetry or glamour to them, they appeal to anarchists and people who want to see bankers kicked off their thrones, ideological Bitcoiners. The technology is revolutionary… but that doesn’t mean the price will go up forever without crashing.

Glib logic

When people are engaged by emotions, they’re more likely to make simpler, weaker arguments, and they may also come from a place of ignorance. One argument I remember making in 2013 was: “Litecoin has 4 times the supply of Bitcoin, therefore Litecoin should be 1/4 the price of Bitcoin.” Another one I heard recently was: “Bitcoin has a limited supply. That means it can go up forever.” And another: “The Ethereum price will rise to the same ratio that it previously had with Bitcoin.”

These arguments are superficially appealing, but analysed more closely we can see that they’re not accounting for the difference in demand. To predict a price, we need to know future demand as well as future supply. Even so, when we hear this kind of argument we can know that there may be many new speculators in the market.

Brazen predictions

“Ethereum will be $4500 on March 17th, 2019 – wut!” No reasoning, no argument, no technical analysis, no fundamental analysis. This prediction is mostly without meaning, except that it shows investors are getting very bold, so swept in the hype, that they believe a statement with no reason is valuable.

Test the sentiment

When people are saying how Bitcoin is the pin, how high it will go, make a measured comment saying “I don’t think the price will keep going up forever.” See how many people pounce on you, and how upset they get. At this stage, people may be so filled by emotion, so much in their own little bubble, they will get whipped up into a frenzy at the mere mention that the market might crash.


Many people follow their own emotions, reacting to their own emotions. That means when market makers or media push their buttons, they act on them. Like leaves in the wind, moving at the whim of the forces that surround them.

What we’re aiming for here is self-awareness. When you’re aware of your own emotions, you can respond to them accordingly, like tells in a card game. When the news plays on your fear, telling you to do one thing, you can step back, pause, think about it. You can do the opposite, or simply do nothing at all.

Now, you know better. Now, you are not subject to force. Now, you become force. As our great teacher Lao-Tzu said, he who controls others is strong, but he who controls himself is powerful indeed.

Thank you

Thank you for reading, watching and listening. If you got to this point, I’m sure you enjoyed it, and so my humble request is that you share this article, video and podcast with your friends and family so they can also benefit.

Stay grateful!

You can listen and subscribe on Anchor and other podcasting services here: Cryptonomics – Bitcoin: Predict the Price?

Episode 109 – Bitcoin Halving

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The Cash:

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Story:

In this episode Aaron and Kurt discuss some of the late action to come to Bitcoin. Aaron recently attended the CDMX Bitcoin meetup in Mexico City, where he tunes into the Mexican bitcoin vibe. Although the spotlight was taken by Ethereum and the DAO, it was still a Bitcoin meet up. The Bitcoin discussion took focus on the upcoming Bitcoin halving, where the mining reward falls from 25 bitcoins to 12.5 bitcoins per 10 minute block. This deflation mechanism is built into the Bitcoin blockchain algorithm, as outlined in the Bitcoin White Paper. The bitcoin currency is receiving much price speculation as a result of the supply and demand economics of this mathematical change. The past months have seen a gradual rise in the bitcoin price – this is believed to be an early result of the near halving. However, with endless factors in the bitcoin price discovery, nobody can ever state for sure. What we do know, is that, Bitcoin is growing up.

We are now 33 days or less away from the halving and everyone is keenly watching the bitcoin price. With early and positive movements in the bitcoin price, we can only look for hints in the Bitcoin statistics. A note taken at the Bitcoin meet up – Mexican bitcoin exchanges are experiencing an increased in exchange activity, this is based on the increased inflow of fiat currency for the exchange for bitcoin. Not just the active trade activity, there are huge increases in the fresh money into the bitcoin economy.

Sometimes its difficult to imagine the Bitcoin money system growing to equal the government constructed and controlled one, but there are many ways to view Bitcoin. Some see Bitcoin as new money, others see it as a fast remittance system and some of us see it as a technological advancement in world communication. Bitcoin is all these things and more; this is the beginning of a completely new era of world finance. By this I mean, Bitcoin is the game changer that most of us have been waiting for. The increased adoption of Bitcoin will have very heavy implications for governance, social ideologies, world economics and trade – and will leave those who think they are in charge, questioning their own levels of control. Here, they will find no choice but, to let ‘man’ free. This is one that only Father Time knows how it will play out and maybe the true nature of the financial super hero!

The Eps:

The Links:

1967 Scrooge McDuck and Money

Why do big banks fear Bitcoin? 

Bitcoin Block Reward Halving = Upcoming Price Increase! – Trace Mayer Interview

Bitcoin Block Reward Halving – Countdown Clock

Bitcoin is built to incite peaceful anarchy

Record highs predicted as new supply halves

Episode 104 – Future Value of Bitcoin: The Block Size Debate

The Episode:

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To download the audio, right click and press “save as”.

Remember to subscribe on iTunes or subscribe on Pocket Casts.

If you enjoyed the episode, don’t keep it a secret! Feel free to share it on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Reddit, or your office bathroom wall.

The Cash:

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Story:

Bitcoin has now been around since 2009, so far it has proven itself as a viable form of money, as well as a stand alone financial ecosystem for transferring value. However, as Bitcoin is growing in transaction volume, this next quarter might have its challenges and many have mixed ideas about the future of this new technology. Experts have been divided over the key issue – to increase the block size or not. Along with this long running block size debate, Bitcoin will soon reach another critical milestone – the next reduction in mining reward (bitcoin halving). Here we have what might cause to the additional growth of backlogged bitcoin transactions and a reduction in Bitcoin processing power.

In this episode Kurt and Aaron discuss their thoughts on these uncertainties and upcoming events of Bitcoin. For anyone invested in Bitcoin or interested in getting involved, its time to get serious about your crypto strategy. We all have a paradise of research ahead… Join us in a portfolio shaking and fingernail biting episode of The Paradise Paradox!

[Edit: Kurt says that Bitcoin Classic isn’t widely used, but that’s incorrect, as Bitcoin Classic is now approaching 25% of total Bitcoin nodes. 10th of May, 2016]

The Eps:

Episode 75 – Andreas Antonopoulos: The Disruptarian
Episode 76 – Is Wright The Wrong Satoshi
Episode 78 – Humberto Quintanilla: PulseBTC
Episode 79 – Amanda B. Johnson & Pete Eyre: The Daily Decrypt
Episode 80 – Diego Gutiérrez Zaldívar: SystemaD
Episode 82 – Tuur Demeester: Adamant Research
Episode 84 – Bitcoin Price Factors (BTC halving)
Episode 85 – Diaz Rodolfo: Musical Bitcoin
Episode 52 – The Panopticon & Your Privacy: Juan Galt

The Links:

Episode 84 – Bitcoin Price Factors

The Episode:

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To download the audio, right click and press “save as”.

Remember to subscribe on iTunes or subscribe on Pocket Casts.

If you enjoyed the episode, don’t keep it a secret! Feel free to share it on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Reddit, or your office bathroom wall.

The Cash:

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Story:

In December 2015, Martin Rojko of CoinTelegraph.com asked several Bitcoin experts what they expected the price of a bitcoin to be by the end of 2016. The guru, public speaker and “rockstar” of Bitcoin, Andreas Antonopoulos, searched his soul and summoned the wisdom from the depths of his being, and answered: “I don’t do price speculation. It’s astrology for markets and I think it is irresponsible for media companies to do this.”

The fact is, nobody in the world knows what the price of bitcoin is going to be in a month, much less a year. However, taking a snapshot at this stage of the bitcoin evolution, there are four factors which will probably play a huge part in determining the price over the coming years.

  1. The amount of venture capital and angel investment pouring into Bitcoin companies.

In 2013, digital currency related startups has attracted investment of $25 million in VC funding. In 2014, “In total, bitcoin startup investments now total over $400M in aggregate funding” (Source: CBInsights), and in 2015 VC investments ‘topped $1 billion’ (Source: Bloomberg). However this remains to be fully realised in the bitcoin unit price. Big names such as Nasdaq, American Express and Visa are also investing in Bitcoin startups.

Bitcoin has possibilities for endless programmable applications, which will go on to disrupt various industries. However, it is clear that the first target and the primary industry of focus is finance and banking. For 2016, Venture capitalist Tim Draper anticipates many Bitcoin consumer applications, the US government to recognise Bitcoin as a currency and perhaps the first Bitcoin unicorn – that is, the first billion dollar Bitcoin start-up. With all this money and focused effort going into the development of Bitcoin applications as it’s used for international remittances platforms, micropayment, crowdfunding of public works projects, smart contracts and peer-to-peer lending, it can only be bullish for the price, as Bitcoin is used more widely.

2. A decrease in the production of Bitcoin in July 2016.

At time of writing, 25 BTC are produced every ten minutes by diligent miners. In July 2016, the block reward will halve. A stable demand with a reduced supply tends to lead to an increased price. It’s possible that holders of BTC will start buying more in the preceding months, in anticipation of the reduction.

3. Possible failures of the incumbent banking system.

Many people, especially in the Austrian economics camp, are becoming increasingly concerned about a failure of the banking system. Financial gurus such as Mike Maloney have forecast the possibilities of deflation, big inflation, or even hyperinflation of the US dollar, which could have profound effects on the world economy. For many, holding bitcoins is seen as risky. But is it as risky as holding a fiat currency, which has very limited scarcity, and may be printed to oblivion by the perverse symbiotic relationship between a central bank and a national treasury? In times of crisis, or in anticipation of times of crisis, when governments around the world are clamping down capital controls to say who can move what money where, it wouldn’t be surprising if people decided to move it into the most portable money that has ever existed: bitcoins.

  1. The understanding of Bitcoin in public consciousness

Since Bitcoin first leapt into the media, it has been trashed, slandered, accused of being a tool of terrorists and violent drug cartels, and declared unstable and even dead many, many times. However, the sentiment in the media is slowly changing, with many starting to see that cryptocurrency is not going away in a hurry, and there may be real news beyond a sensational headline.

We can see in the statistics on Blockchain.Info that the rate of adoption appears to be steady, or increasing, in the rate of daily transactions and in the total number of addresses.

Perhaps soon, people will start to realise that it’s possible, not just to use Bitcoin to evade capital controls, but also to use it to evade taxes, and government control in general, turning many markets into black markets, and using blockchain technology to distribute state secrets anonymously, realising the dream of the Crypto-Anarchist’s Manifesto. By that stage, perhaps the price will be irrelevant, because the value will be obvious.

The Eps:

Episode 75 – Andreas Antonopoulos: The Disruptarian

Episode 77 – Jeff Berwick: The Dollar Vigilante

Episode 80 – Diego Gutiérrez: SystemaD

The Links:

Bitcoin has died for the 89th time

Experts expect bitcoin price to reach a big number in 2016

China’s stockmarket crash affects all of us

Bitcoin as an asset could help balance portfolios

Bitcoin’s upcoming killer app: Open Bazaar

How to position for the rally in Bitcoin

Bitcoin is built to incite peaceful anarchy

Record highs predicted as new supply halves