Tag: shamanism

Kurt on Anarchast – Living Freely and Enjoying the Ride

The Story: Kurt is interviewed by Jeff Berwick on Anarchast

A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to be interviewed by Jeff Berwick, known for his media outlet “The Dollar Vigilante” and his channel “Anarchast” in which he interviews notable anarchists, almost always beginning the interview with the question “How did you become an anarchist?”

I’ve been listening to the Anarchast for years, and hoping that one day I would be able to appear on it, so when Jeff asked me, my answer was an emphatic “Hell yes.”

I figured that, to make the interview entertaining for Jeff and for the thousands of listeners, I’d better prepare carefully, thinking about what would be engaging for them. So in the couple of weeks leading up to the interview, I wrote out many drafts thinking about how I would describe my journey of becoming an anarchist, “Free man on the land” type ideas and how they lead me to question authority, about the freedom that people enjoy in Mexico (despite its flaws), the anti-authoritarianism that exists here, spiritual experiences, and how life is full of wonders.

The Eps:

See the world with new eyes – Episode 147

Jeff Berwick: The Dollar Vigilante – Episode 77

Sterlin Lujan: Compassionate anarchy – Episode 156

The Links:

Anarchast on YouTube

The Dollar Vigilante on YouTube

The Cash:

If you enjoy our posts, please become a patron on Patreon, or have a look at The Paradise Paradox’s page on Steemit where you can join, earn money, and upvote our posts to help support the show! You can also find a lot of additional content which is not posted on this site, with Kurt’s posts on Steemit and Aaron’s posts on Steemit.

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Episode:

To download the audio, right click and press “save as”.

Remember to subscribe on iTunes or subscribe on Pocket Casts.

If you enjoyed the episode, don’t keep it a secret! Feel free to share it on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Reddit, or your office bathroom wall.

Shamanic golden matrix beings – Luis Fernando Mises

Luis tells us about a peculiar experience meeting unusual abstract beings during meditation, happening to him as a result of his shamanic path.

Watch the full episode here: Luis Fernando Mises: Shamanic Aliens – Episode 146


I kept doing meditation and then at some point I was approached by some beings.

They were not in the form of humans or cows or whatever. If you remember the movie “The Matrix” – the code – imagine that, but like gold. They were like blobs of gold descending on me, and as they were descending it seemed like they lifted off my depression. Their vibration was so high that I was just buzzing. That night, I went to sleep so happily. Before that, I was scared to go to sleep at night because I thought “My consciousness is going to end…” That kind of thing.

So I received a download from these guys, and the idea was “You’ll be fine; there’s more to learn; that was just the beginning. The real stuff is on its way.” Just guiding me through the whole process and lifting me up out of that hole was super appreciative.

Ayahuasca: You don’t have to hike through the Amazon or pay $11,000

I’ve noticed a few times that when I post articles and videos about ayahuasca in Facebook groups, occasionally I’ll get a rather unexpected and violent reaction, talking about how ayahuasca is an experience for the elite only, that the cost is prohibitive, and when will regular people be able to try this experience which purports to be so life-changing.

When I first saw these comments, I was a little confused, as I’ve taken ayahuasca two times (here in Mexico), and both times it cost somewhere in the realm of $60 USD – more than an LSD trip surely, and perhaps more than a night at the movies, but not exactly in the realm of “maybe if I take out a second mortgage…”

My perspective changed when my buddy Aaron pointed out how the media portrays ayahuasca – with all the poetic visions that go along with it – hiking through the jungle, travelling by canoe along the Amazon to reach a 70 year old shaman holding a palm tree shaker, speaking in an incomprehensible native American tongue, which he later uses to sing incantations, conjuring tigers by the campfire.

Or people read about it in articles like this one from Business Insider casually mentioning the figure of $11,000 without explaining that, well, you don’t have to pay that much.


In an ideal world…

Of course, in an ideal world, everyone would be able to take this mystic medicine with a shaman who has a 1,000 year lineage, after a month of eating a pure vegan diet, abstaining from X, Y and Z, meditating every day, with spiritual guidance on hand… But, if you can’t get the ideal conditions, sometimes it’s best to just fucking do it. And you can do it.


I’m told that in the US, you can take a ceremony for around $400. In Europe, about €300 – still rather expensive for some. However, new groups are popping up all the time, and that’s sure to drive the price down.

In some countries, you can order the plants online to make the medicine for yourself or find a supplier who makes the brew ready-to-use.

As I said, both times I’ve taken it so far, it cost about $60 USD – 1100 MXN, and for that I slept on the floor of a shaman’s house on my sleeping bag, listening to musicians play hymns and ícaros. But for someone looking for a more all-inclusive experience, I know of at least one group in Mexico which will provide a 3 day retreat with food, accommodation, psychotherapy, and complementary medicines such as rapé, for around 6000 pesos or $310 USD.

Ayahuasca isn’t yet something that you can obtain with extreme ease in a lot of the world. But it is getting cheaper, and it is getting more accessible. When the media tells you that you have to travel to a Peruvian jungle – don’t believe the hype.


This article is for entertainment purposes only; don’t take it as medical advice. If you are going to do ayahuasca, do your research, and especially be aware that psychotropic drugs can interfere with the medicine, introducing serious risks.

Mental Illness & Shamanic Experiences: The Andrarchy Show Episode 1

The Story – How to deal with a psychotic break

Psychology, psychiatry and psychoanalysis as schools of thought are less than 150 years old, and we shouldn’t be surprised if such young sciences have gaps of knowledge, questions that are still left open, or even questions that are outright ignored. It’s possible, even likely, that the modern psychiatric model of mental illness is incomplete, and could learn things from other schools of thought.

Many people have the conception that being diagnosed with a mental illness means that you have a chemical imbalance. However, such “illnesses” are normally diagnosed by looking at behaviour, rather than blood tests or other chemical tests to determine amounts of chemicals in one’s brain. So, at least in the majority of cases, the “chemical imbalance” idea is just an assumption.

In contrast, there are shamanistic traditions which stretch back hundreds or even thousands of years. Shamans have been helping people through the strange times in their lives even before recorded history. Is it possible that psychiatry and psychology still have a lot to learn from shamanistic methods?

This is a clip from an interview that Andrarchy (Andrew Levine) did with Kurt, and more clips will be coming over the next couple of weeks.

The Episode

To download this episode in audio, right click here and press ‘Save as’.

The links

“Mental Illness” – how and what to learn from your mind breaking

Andrarchy’s post on Steemit introducing his show

What a shaman sees in a mental hospital

A traditional approach to mental illness – Phil Borges TED talk

Healing with communication, conversation and love by Sterlin Luxan

What is a shaman by Terence McKenna

Episode 95 – Shamans with Guns: Luis Fernando Mises

The Episode:

To download the audio, right click and press “save as”.

Remember to subscribe on iTunes or subscribe on Pocket Casts.

If you enjoyed the episode, don’t keep it a secret! Feel free to share it on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Reddit, or your office bathroom wall.

The Cash:

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Story:

Many millenia ago, certain people started to work with herbs and other plants, healing the bodies and souls of their tribespeople. Over time, they learnt how to use certain plants to form a connection with some deep part of their unconscious, tapping into wisdom of unknown origin, which would, slowly but surely, affect the fate of humanity. Some shamans claim they contact spirits, and by using psychedelic drugs, they can come into contact with the divine.

In this episode, Kurt had a chance to catch up with Luis Fernando Mises at Anarchapulco 2016 and discuss shamanism. We discussed the contrast between San Pedro/huachuma and ayahuasca – how huachuma is like a patient grandfather who is ready to work with you at your own pace, and how ayahuasca is like a stern granddmother; how huachuma gave Luis a master’s degree on economic policy, how the roles of shaman, consultant and gun-owner are more harmonious than it might seem at first, and how psychedelic medicine can have a domino or fractal effect through many lives.

The Eps:

Episode 67 – The Ayahuasca Diaries Part 1

Episode 68 – The Ayahuasca Diaries Part 2

Episode 69 – The Ayahuasca Diaries Part 3

Episode 22 – The Face of Death

The Links:

Emancipated Human on YouTube

Emancipated Human on Facebook

V is for Voluntary on Facebook

Anarchast Español on YouTube

Anarchast Español on Facebook