Tag: trouble in a bubble

Ayzee Returns to Australia – Episode 128

The Story: The return to Australia

To start this episode I wanted to talk about ‘bugging in’. Which in my world means, returning to Australia and reintegrating back into the first-world reality. But, of course we were distracted (mainly myself) and begin talking off topic. However, in a roundabout way we end up covered related stuff.
So after two years of Mexican experience under my belt, Australia doesn’t seem quite the same. Over all it feels pre-fabricated, packaged up and somewhat plastic like. Everything is in order and a sense control can be found everywhere. Everything is very tidy and neat. Everyone that arrives from somewhere else knows that – Australia is a dream. But, I believe deep down within the self, in the dark shadowy parts of the human experience, human beings have normal and natural urges to dislike such a level of nice. Somewhat like the urge that arises when approaching freshly poured concrete – to put your foot through it, or to at least write my name in it. Perhaps there is something wrong with me, looking for the imperfections that accompany these feelings towards this wonderful perfect world called Australia.
In this episode Kurt and I have an impromptu conversation based around my return to Australia. We discuss a few stories which I overheard on the local news, thoughts on the Australian real estate bubble and possible issues with the Australia welfare system. These ideas were originally shared by sponsored television programming.
Tele – transmission over a distance
vision – power of sensing with eyes
Programming Noun – the act or process of planning or writing a program.
Programming Verb – to write code for

I had forgotten what commercial television programming was all about – Turn off the box.

The Eps:

Opting Out

MKULTRA & Mass Mind Control

Magical Mysterious Medical Stories

Propaganda Tips 101: Types of Propaganda & Principles

Bonus – Our ideas

The Links:

Noam Chomsky – Manufacturing Consent

Luke Rudkowski – We Are Change – Germany Telling Its Citizens To Prepare For Disaster

Mike Maloney – GoldSilver.com [VIDEOS]

Jeff Berwick – The Dollar Vigilante [VIDEOS]

The Cash:

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The Episode:

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Episode 30 – Illuminatus! How does the Illuminati affect our lives?

I (Kurt) have been interested in wacky conspiracy theories for years, more so after I read Robert Anton Wilson and Robert O’Shea’s book “The Illuminatus! Trilogy”, in which they compiled all the wacky conspiracy theories they received in the letter department while working at Playboy, and turned them into a brilliant work of fiction.

In more recent years, “Illuminati” has become part of the common vernacular, with many people claiming that many famous celebrities such as Rihanna, Jay-Z and Kanye West are initiated members. But what does it even mean to be an illuminatus?

“Illuminati” is broadly defined as any group claiming to have access to special knowledge, or claiming a special enlightenment. By that definition, there are scores of groups who could go by that title: the Alumbrados in Spain, the Knights Templar, Freemasons, the Astrum Argentum, the Ordo Templi Orientis, and of course the Bavarian Illuminati. Even the inner circle of Scientology would qualify as an illuminati. So what do people really mean when they say “Illuminati”? My guess is, they probably don’t know.

There are some people who talk about occult symbols in video clips, such as YouTuber Mark Dice. In 2014, Dice found that his channel had been suspended, and all his videos deleted. Could it be because he said something that was a little too close to the truth? Or perhaps he just pissed off the wrong YouTube staff member.

There are claims, which have been especially prominent in Britain in recent years, of Satanic cults involved in disturbing behaviour such as ritual sacrifice, cannibalism, and mass child abuse. These cults allegedly involve many members of the community: doctors, lawyers, teachers, politicians… What is the basis for these claims? If these groups really do exist, could they be indicative of something even darker, even more disturbing and controlling?

It seems that nobody really knows who the Illuminati are or what their agenda is. But the least we can do is keep asking questions, keep questioning, and diving deeper down the rabbit hole, as we go into the next exciting installment of… The Paradise Paradox.

To download the audio, right click and press “save as”.

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Related links:

Mark Dice’s YouTube channel
Lauryn Hill’s letter on the music business
Proofs of a Conspiracy Against all the Religions and Governments of Europe
Juice Rap News – the New World Order
Professional Russian Troll
Guy claims to be ex-pro troll
Rick Ross vs Freeway Ricky Ross
CB4 – The Movie
Bowfinger (Widescreen edition)
Biggie & Tupac: The Story Behind the Murder of Rap’s Biggest Superstars
Steve Martin Handbook – about Mindhead
They Live
Tribulation Institute
Dave Chappelle breaks his Illuminati spell
Satanic cult interview in Hampstead
Jimmy Savile allegations of sexual abuse on Wikipedia