Tag: theology

Synchronicity – Leandrew Dixon

Leandrew tells a story about a day full of synchronicities that made him wonder what was going on in the universe.

Watch or listen to the full episode here L-Dixon: Believer to atheist to wonderer- The Paradise Paradox Episode 143


I used to be this straight-edge atheist character, and now, having experimented with psychedelics, witnessed synchronicities – I’m still sort of agnostic, but I highly and strongly believe that there is something greater going on than what we currently understand.

I feel like I had become a different person in a way – completely diametrically opposed to where I was before.

The Ouroboros – the snake eating its own tail – it represents rebirth, and cycles. To me, that kind of represented the fact that I had come around intellectually, to start to devour my old ideas – the old picture of reality I had. It’s like, that’s bullshit, that’s almost as much of a religion as the religions I was so opposed to. So I made the decision to go get these tattoos, the Ouroboros tattoos. That day, I wanted to get Carl Jung’s book “Synchronicity”, because he’s the one who coined the term and I just thought it would be a cool thing to read. I went to Barnes & Noble and I picked up the book, and I noticed that he has his book “Man and his Symbols” right next to it. I picked that up and go to flip it to a random page, completely random page in the middle of the book, and it’s the fucking Ouroboros. I have the synchronicity book in my left hand, and that day I’m going to get these tattoos, and I flip open this book randomly and it’s the Ouroboros. It was just a mindfuck that I couldn’t deny.

It was just one of those things. I know my personal experiences and synchronicities – they aren’t really a testament to the larger reality, they’re not “proof” of anything, but it was like a sense of internal validation that, there’s something more going on, that I want to dive into and try to figure out and understand as much as I can.

Anyway, later that day, I go and get the tattoo, still have the books in my car. The tattoo artist is just starting, doing the head. He randomly mentions to me “Hey, you know what, I’d rather be just running through the forest and tripping on mushrooms.” And at the time I had a pretty large supply of mushrooms, so I’m like, “You’re talking to the right person – we can make this happen.” I ended up paying for my tattoos with the mushrooms on the day I grabbed the synchronicity book and opened up the page with the Ouroboros… It was just a mindfuck.

Episode 92 – Peak Experiences

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The Story:

Everybody, at some point in their life, has a peak experience. It might be described as a mystical, or religious experience, being touched by the hand of God, having a spiritual awakening, or perhaps just a moment of clarity. It can come in the form of intense awe, happiness, well-being, acceptance or tranquility. Abraham Maslow coined the term “peak experience”, and originally thought they were only experienced by self-actualised people, but with further research he realised that they were available to everyone – it was just that certain types of people felt them more intensely and more frequently.

What do peak experiences mean? Are they blessings from God, or just a glitch in our brains? Can they reveal greater truths about life and the universe? Who knows, but I ask those questions and more in the next spine-tingling, chakra-awakening, spirit-rattling episode of … The Paradise Paradox!

The Eps:

Episode 19 – Anomalies of Consciousness

The Links:

Peak experiences on Wikipedia

Abraham Maslow on Wikipedia

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

Peak experiences on The Spirit Wiki

Episode 21 – God Mode

In this episode, we take on a huge subject, perhaps the biggest. We’re talking about God. Who is God? What does He/She/It do in Their spare time? What’s Their phone number? We find the answer to none of this questions in this exciting chapter of The Paradise Paradox.

To download the audio, right click and press “save as”.

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Hunab Ku on Wikipedia
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