Tag: culture integration

Episode 106 – Visa, Borders and The Magic Universe

The Episode:


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The Cash:

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The Story:

El hombre propone y Dios dispose” is a Mexican saying, which basically means that, ‘Man’ can make plans, but if its not part of the lords plan – it is not likely to manifest. This saying has always rustled my jimmies, as it implies that I am not in control of, or responsible for, my own life. It questions the power of free-will and instills a powerless mentality, which may even encourage negligence and lead to the idea that ignorance is bliss.

Everything can happen for a reason, if you design a belief system to let it play that way. By this I mean, one must decide on the reason for the past events and interpret them in a positive way, in order to make greater opportunities for the future. Hopefully, in the moment you can see and choose an empowering significance for the events in your life.

In this episode we talk about how an Australian visa application was delayed and then how that turned into a surprise trip to New York City. Accompanied with a positive outlook which was designed to overcome any possible difficulties and discomforts. This was the door to a complete mind set of skills and allowing a complete shift in belief systems. Upload the events which set up a complete mindset change and check in on the power of self knowledge.

Then, in the second half of the episode, we jump into the deep end of cultural integrations, human migration and general one-world teething issues. This is it – tune into another dopamine twist. Get ready for time checks, you’re getting the inside track of the Paradise Paradox.


The Eps:

Episode 101 – Choose Liberty, or Choose Domination
Episode 102 – Feeling Success

The Links:

Proverb 16

Michio Kaku 3 types of Civilisations

Power of dreams

Man proposes, God disposes