Tag: what is anti social personality disorder

Dr. Aiden Gregg: Psychopathy Part 1 – Episode 208

The Story: What are psychopaths, sociopaths, and anti-social personality disorder?

Dr. Aiden Gregg is an associate professor at the psychology department of the University of Southampton, where he lectures and conducts research. Dr. Gregg has done a lot of thinking and research about psychopathy, sociopathy, anti-social personality disorder and related ideas.

In this section of the interview, Dr. Gregg explains his perspective on psychopathy, how it can be like looking into an abyss, how psychopaths may lack something that ordinary humans have, the link to myths like vampires and reptilian aliens, the history of “moral insanity”, the vagueness of the term “psychopathy”, the distinction between signs and symptoms of a disease, definitions from Hervey Cleckley and Robert D. Hare, Jon Ronson’s book on “The Psychopath Test”, and psychopaths in society.

The Links:

Dr. Aiden Gregg on University of Southampton website

The Psychopath Test by Jon Ronson

Snakes in Suits

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