Tag: morphogenetic circuit

Know The Wisdom Of Your Ancestors – Episode 217

The Story: Get in touch with your inner wisdom and power

In a sense, our genetic code holds the wisdom of every generation that has come before us – the keys to millions of years of survival, and even some of prosperity. Is it possible that we can tap into that knowledge? Perhaps even tap into knowledge that is hidden on a spiritual level?

According to Timothy Leary and Robert Anton Wilson, every human being and brain has the ability to access that ancient wisdom, using their own “morphogenetic circuit”.

In this episode, Kurt discusses some techniques that people might use to achieve this wisdom, including some from R.A. Wilson’s book “Prometheus Rising”, Carlos Castaneda, The Secret, and the Dimensional Jumping subreddit.

Find the wisdom and power within in this exciting episode of… The Paradise Paradox!

The Eps:

A life without precedent – Gela Amini

The electricity of your intentions – Gela Amini

The Links:

Owner’s manual to the human brain – Multiversity Project

Transcendental circuits of consciousness – Multiversity Project

Dimensional Jumping subreddit

Dimensional Shifting subreddit

The Cash:

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The Episode:

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