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Kurt is interviewed by Jeff Berwick on Anarchast, and is asked Jeff’s favourite question, “How did you become an anarchist?” Kurt explains how he put the pieces of liberty together – understanding social or personal liberty, understanding economic liberty, understanding the philosophical and legal aspects, and finally having the “click”, realising that a state is unnecessary and undesirable.
Watch and listen to the full interview here: Kurt on Anarchast – Living Freely and Enjoying the Ride
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This is a track about how large governments like to threaten, scare and even murder the people they are supposed to represent, in order to achieve political, military or imperial goals. The video is from my performance at Anarchapulco 2017. If the audio isn’t clear enough, you can also listen to this version I recorded in my bedroom years ago.
Thanks Again to Doug Scribner, Ryan Herbison, Dan Dicks of Press For Truth, Nathan Freeman, and everyone who made this event possible.
if you want people to accept anything
first they’ve got to believe it’s for their benefit
if you can scare them, strike fear in their hearts
then you can start cutting their freedoms apart
they’re lonely, afraid, need leadership
show them you’ll be shepherd to their sheep again
give them the motivation which they surely lack
show them they need you with a false flag
nero wanted to rebuild Rome in his image
and turn the populace against the Christians
he took a torch to realise his fiery vision
playing the lyre for anyone who would listen
1915, Lusitania cruised the Irish Sea
100 Americans on her, loose & free
Germany warned, we know you have ammo on board
US ignored, it got torpedoed and torn
Times said Germany took the day off to applaud
perfect excuse to enter the First World War
1933 february
Nazis built a fire at parliament’s feet
hitler issued a decree, saying we’re under attack
that was his version of the PATRIOT act
six years later, Gleiwitz radio station
Himmler’s operation, set up the Polish invasion
SS troops in Polish uniforms, stormed the building
Found the Polish sympathiser and killed him
Broadcast some hate speech in their supposed language
Left the body as evidence for the cameras
40, mccollum wrote a memo, strategies and all
on how to lead Japan to an overt act of war
FDR fired the admiral wanting to leave Hawai’i
He knew if they stayed they did it suicidally
Then the Japs attacked at Pearl Harbour
Sending the boys home with caps on their caskets
doing exactly what it was sure to do
that’s how the US got into World War Deuce
Now 9/11 might have been a fine deception
you have an opinion what happened, i won’t question
the next day they passed the Act, hardly had to write it down
500 pages, they just had it lying around
if you want people to accept anything
first they’ve got to believe it’s for their benefit
if you can scare them, strike fear in their hearts
then you can start cutting their freedoms apart
they’re lonely, afraid, need leadership
show them you’ll be shepherd to their sheep again
give them the motivation which they surely lack
show them they need you with a false flag
freedom of movement and a free life
free love & compassion can free minds
free thinking your thoughts can be free
free association and freedom of speech
free to be emotional free to be calm
the right to self defence free to bear arms
while the kids demand a free education
shit ain’t free, you must be freebasin
i know you heard this one it’s some deep stuff
there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch
free mp3s downloaded we handle
i’ll steal the beat for this track a free sample
monogamy polyamory and free lovin
live your whole life think you’re in a free country
constitutional republic as long as it lasted
abolish gov. for a strong free market
wander through the hotel get free wifi
free your imagination through your mind’s eye
make freedom so common it seems boring
i forgot my clean underwear i’m freeballin
none of those phony laws you should believe in
victimless crime spree derrick j freeman
drug dealin free enterprise you can be the boss
and that reminds me man – free ross!
At Anarchapulco 2017, I (Kurt) had the opportunity to once again give an explosive hip hop performance. I spent a month re-memorising the songs, improving my delivery, and practising my speech. This was this most effort I’ve ever put into preparing for a musical performance in my life.
I rapped songs about freedom, how governments terrorise their own citizens, the history of money and why fiat currency is dangerous, the power that we have hidden inside of ourselves, about my own experience coming face-to-face with death, and about the ex-patriates that now live in Acapulco. I also tried to convey an important message to the crowd, that acceptance of yourself and others can lead the way to real, lasting change.
Many thanks to Doug Scribner, Ryan Herbison, Dan Dicks and everyone involved in this event.
Liberty hip hop Anarchapulco 2016
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