Tag: homeopathy

Meta-Health and EFT Tapping with Sam Neffendorf – Episode 205

The Story: Taking control of your own health

Sam Neffendorf is an expert in meta-health, a strategy for putting various health traditions and EFT, a healing technique that combines principles of acupressure and hypnosis. In this interview, Sam gives Kurt an overview of how meta-health can help people take control of their own healing, putting data from various sources into context.

Many people have the experience of going to their doctor and feeling like they’re not being taken seriously, given a prescription and ushered out of the office before the doctor’s next appointment in 12 minutes. Even so, it would be a mistake to dismiss western medicine entirely, as their diagnostic methods are the most advanced in the world, and the pills they prescribe can help in many extreme health situations.

There are also many things to learn from other medical traditions, such as the long and thorough consultations from homeopathy, guiding people towards knowledge of their own habits and helping them realise what is really beneficial for them, in addition to the treatments.

Here Sam explains how we can discover our own patterns of stress that often precede the symptoms, how life can be seen as a series of cycles involving stress and regeneration, and what to do when we get trapped in a part of this cycle. Join us on a personal health journey on this episode of The Paradise Paradox!

The Eps:

Bee Sting Therapy

Homeopathy – just water?

The Links:


Sam on Steemit

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The Episode:

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Homeopathy: Just water? – Episode 144

The Story: Are homeopathic solutions nothing more than water?

For many educated people, the argument against homeopathy as a system of medicine is pretty straightforward: it’s just water. That is to say, homeopathy involves diluting substances to a level that you can’t reasonably expect any of the original substance to remain, and therefore any medicinal effect that it has can’t be better than regular water, or a placebo. However, they’re mistaken.

This is a fallacy of composition – it assumes that because water molecules are identical, anything made from a bunch of water molecules must also be identical. A simple analogy to demonstrate the error in this line of thinking would be to say, all Tetris squares are identical, and so any Tetris board formed with 20 squares has the same properties. Or, all oxygen atoms are equal, and therefore any combination of them must also be equal – which is not true, oxygen atoms can form in molecules of O2, O3, O4 and O8.

In fact, there are at least three studies suggesting that homeopathic solutions are not “just water”, but something else – something with a measurable difference. Join me in finding out how in the next watered-down episode of The Paradise Paradox!

The Eps:

The Links:

Homeopathy: Just water? essay

Physical properties of ice

Luc Montagnier takes homeopathy seriously

Fallacy of composition

Thermoluminesce of ultra-high dilutions of lithium chloride and sodium chloride – Louis Rey study

The defining role of structure (including epitaxy) in the plausibility of homeopathy – Penn State study

Randomised placebo-controlled trials of individualised homeopathic treatment: systematic review and meta-analysis

The Cash:

If you enjoy our posts, please have a look at The Paradise Paradox’s page on Steemit where you can join, earn money, and upvote our posts to help support the show! You can also find a lot of additional content which is not posted on this site, with Kurt’s posts on Steemit and Aaron’s posts on Steemit.

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Episode:

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Episode 4 – The Future Is Now

In this episode, we discuss technologies and science that are emerging today, and technologies of which the potential have not yet been fully realised. Technologies such as drones, cryptocurrency, autonomous devices, artificial intelligence, Internet communication, alternative medicine, peer to peer lending, meshnets, and DNA research.

To download the audio, right click and press “Save As”.

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