Tag: freedom

Would you prefer to live in a just world?

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There is a principle of law that is acknowledged and often enforced all around the world, that if someone interferes with another’s person or property, they will be punished. For example, if you break down someone’s door without a damned good reason, such as the prevention of harm to an innocent, if you are caught and proven guilty, you will be punished. Likewise, if I approach someone and threaten them into giving me money, if I am caught, I will be punished. Of course, if it is found that I was in a very desperate situation such as having to feed my family, this will be treated as mitigating circumstances and the sentence will be reduced. However, I will still be punished.

Given the choice, would you prefer to live in a society where everyone who broke down doors without a very good reason were punished, and everyone who threatened others into giving them money were punished? Or would you prefer to live in a society where certain classes of people had an exemption, where they could break down doors indiscriminately, without good reason, and threaten people into giving them money without being punished at all?

If a person doesn’t give the question its full consideration, most people will say, of course they would prefer to live in a society where the law is applied evenly. But what is the full extent of this proposition?

Police, having no right to arrest anybody whom they didn’t reasonably suspect of harming someone or their property, will decide to keep mostly to themselves, or find productive ways of maintaining the peace, by establishing ties with the community and gaining its trust. Instead of demanding someone pull over for driving too fast, they would calmly and politely ask, and attempt to persuade them that their actions exposed themselves and others to undue risk.

Judges, knowing that they will be liable for any command they make, will be unwilling to enact any punishment against peaceful people, for example, for buying or selling drugs.

Politicians would be scared to pass any legislation punishing anyone who hadn’t harmed another – making the job of politician almost completely unnecessary. And they certainly wouldn’t call for acts of war which endangered the lives of innocent civilians, because every innocent killed could be a charge of manslaughter. Likewise, soldiers would refuse to attack unless they could be certain they were only attacking a legitimate threat.

Tax collectors would decide to change tactics, knowing they couldn’t threaten anybody into getting their money, and so they would instead canvas for donations, or turn to charging for individual services.
If you agree with the premise that those who injure, threaten or steal from others should be punished, you might have to rethink what the problems with the world are, and what your idea of an ideal world might be. If you disagree, and believe that certain classes of people should be free to attack, threaten and steal from others, and even commit mass murder, then again I would suggest you reconsider where your ideas might lead, what kind of ideal world they imply, and whether that is really the kind of thing you want to support, in your heart or in your actions. Do you really want to be a detractor of civilisation, welcoming violence as necessary, along with all of the abuses of power that come with it?

Making a more peaceful world isn’t easy. There will be challenges along the way, inventing new ways of solving problems with less and less violence, or no violence, when previously we believed they were only solvable with violence. And maybe we’ll never achieve such a thing in our lifetimes, or in any lifetime. But when you look back on your life, with your dying breath, will you be content in knowing that your entire life you supported the status quo, that violence is a requirement? Or would you be more content knowing that you dared to dream, to imagine a world without war, without police brutality and abuses of power, where the word “civilisation” is not a euphemism for a society dominated by the threat of violence, but, through an entire population becoming civil, is a literal fact.

I’m not asking much. I’m not asking you to do or say anything, or even exert any effort. I’m just asking you to let go of one idea, the idea that “violence is necessary” – the conviction that even an ideal world must include threats of violence – because whatever happens, the thought of dominating your fellow man out of necessity can never make you happy. To liberate yourself from this idea is to open up new possibilities, to open yourself to compassion for your fellow man, and to embrace the innocent as worthy of your protection.

Episode 105 – Propaganda Tips 101: Types of Propaganda & Principles

The Episode:

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The Cash:

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Story:

As you walk past billboards, TVs playing advertisements, use products with bright logos on display, listen to news radio and read corporate reports, if you’re not paying attention, it might be easily to overlook the fact that every person and every medium that is communicating to you, is attempting to change your beliefs, to alter your perception in subtle ways , that somehow work in their favour. Coca-Cola Amatil wants you to identify as a beach-ball-rolling Coca-Cola man, Pepsi wants you to believe that it passed the Pepsi challenge, and your own government wants you to identify as a patriotic citizen, and to believe that its enemies are raping, bestial monsters.

If everyone dropped their defences completely, letting this propaganda in without question, the world would end up a boring place, with people, instead of being sovereign, independent-thinking individuals, instead resembling pinballs moving around the board, bouncing off bumpers and repeatedly hitting pretty lights. People would adopt the words “Obey” and “Consume” as their personal mantras. Some parts of the world are getting dangerously close to this dystopia – but fortunately, we have the Internet to make people aware of the potential diversity of lifestyles, beliefs and opinions.

How can we recognise the more insidious forms of propaganda? What are the principles which advertisers and speech writers can use to bury their thoughts in our brains, making us believe that they are our own? And what are the costs if we are not vigilant enough? We explore these questions and more, in this mind-penetrating episode of … The Paradise Paradox!

The Eps:

Episode 103 – Flat Earth Mind Mapping: Imagine A World Deceived

The Links:

Robert B. Cialdini – Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion

Climategate leaked emails

Climategate 2.0

No, you’re not entitled to your opinion

We Are Change confronts David de Rothschild

Newt Gingrich’s response to infidelity allegations

Episode 101 – Choose Liberty, or Choose Domination

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What do you value? What’s important to you in life? I can name a few things that are important to me: liberty, peace, respect, human rights. Some people don’t value those things, or at least, they’re lower down on their list of values. Instead they value things like certainty, convenience, and even feeling good, and their own ignorance.

Now a lot of people will say that they value liberty, but once you get into it a little more closely, you can see it’s not quite so true. So let me as k you: did you ever value liberty enough to say “Free Irwin Schiff”, a man who was in prison because of his belief in property rights – his belief that his money and other people’s money, shouldn’t be taken from them by force, and used as collateral to fund central banks, and fund expansive, endless wars.

Did you ever value liberty enough to say – at least just say the words – “Free Ross Ulbricht” – a man who provided a service for hundreds of thousands of people, a man who provided a service that was very much in demand, the service of allowing people to buy and sell drugs on the Internet.

The thing is, if you value certainty over liberty, then you must either value your ignorance, pretending that humans rights abuses don’t happen, because of institutions such as taxation – or, you must value the certainty that human rights abuses are going to happen, because that’s exactly what does happen, when you give people the power to rule over others.

Liberty is dirty; you don’t get any guarantees in liberty. Sometimes liberty is even violent. But you know, liberty also gives you personal responsibility – that’s the thing. That’s the great lie; that’s the great trick. Because what they’ve told you is, by giving up some of your liberty, you’re actually going to limit your personal responsibility, which is something that can never, ever be true. Nobody can ever take that power from you – nobody can ever take the fact that you are captain of your own soul, that you are architect of your own destiny. And any responsibility that you have, for the rest of humanity, can never be delegated to someone else. It cannot.

Whether you choose the certainty of domination, the certainty of people abusing their power, or you choose liberty – that beautiful chaos, that beautiful space that allows the human race to transform, to transcend, to create something new and different – whatever you choose, I advise you to choose. Because people may call you many things. They may call you delusional, a pinko, an idealist, a fool, a warmonger, a violent sociopath. They might even call you a freedom fighter. But, as long as you choose, they will never call you the worst of all insults. They will never call you wishy-washy, they will never call you vague, and they will never call you indecisive.

Episode 89 – Anam Paiseanta: Living Rent Free

The Episode:

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The Cash:

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Story:

Many people decide to set off to travel across the globe with nothing but a backpack and few changes of clothes, hopping from hostel to hostel and embracing the various mind-opening experiences that these journeys can offer them, and nursing their bed-bug bites as they go. But what if you could do it in luxury? What if you had several houses all over the country, or all over the world where you could stay, without cost, without debt, and perhaps without even owning the houses – even making a profit by controlling these houses – and in the meantime, providing a valuable solution to the person who does hold the deed.

All this is possible, with a little hard work, a little hard thinking, a handful of specific real estate techniques, and perhaps a healthy measure of intestinal fortitude.

In this episode, Kurt talks with Anarchapulco speaker, author, entrepreneur and liberty lover, Anam Paiseanta, about his methods of creating lease options to live without paying rent, to speculate on property prices and make a profit, and to help many desperate sellers to find a way out of a difficult situation. We discuss the differences between passive marketing and active marketing, and how someone can get started in this liberating endeavour. We also discuss his Connector app, which can help people of common interests find each other across the world, enabling people to prescreen new social connections, finding business and agorist networks, and developing and maintaining liberty-loving communities.

Join us on another globe-trotting, money-making adventure in this episode of … The Paradise Paradox!

The Links:

The Ultimate Real Estate Investing Blueprint: How to Quit Your Job in 19 Weeks or Less

How to Create Multiple Streams of Income: Buying Homes in Nice Areas With Nothing Down

Three Friends Free: A Children’s Story of Voluntarism

Connector App – Meet friends you haven’t met yet

Episode 86 – Juan Galt: Seeking Freedom: The Acapulco Files

The Episode:

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The Cash:

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Story:

Ever since the peaceful anarchist event, Anarchapulco, in 2015, many people from the US and Canada have decided that moving to Acapulco, Mexico might improve their lives. Many found ways to make money off the Internet or to transfer their existing jobs to a new location, and start a new life where they didn’t have to worry so much about any government interfering their lives, threatening them for operating their business in a way that the state didn’t like, or getting their dogs shot by police officers for no apparent reason.

They may face many obstacles on their journey, including their friends and family warning them to stay away from the city which is run by drug cartels, where the police periodically go on strike, and which is reputedly the fourth most dangerous in the world. Nevertheless, these brave soldiers journey on, and many of them are willing to share their expatriation wisdom experience with the world. It takes one man to document the evolution of this community of liberty-minded individuals, this Latin American “Galt’s Gulch”, and his name is Juan Galt.

In this episode, Kurt interviews Juan and talks about the ways that cryptocurrency might be used in the near future to replace government property registry systems, his documentary (renamed since the interview as “Seeking Freedom: The Acapulco Files”), and ways to break down borders using Bitcoin and smart contracts. Join us on a jet-setting, freedom-fighting, border-bounding episode of … The Paradise Paradox!

The Eps:

Episode 50 – Juan Galt: Ethereum and the Future

Episode 52 – Juan Galt: The Panopticon & Your Privacy

The Links:

“Seeking Freedom: The Acapulco Files” on Disruptek.Info

“Seeking Freedom: The Acapulco Files” on Facebook

“Seeking Freedom: The Acapulco Files” trailer on YouTube


Juan Galt interviews Andreas Antonopoulos

BitHalo: Mother of smart contracts

Bitnation – Governance 2.0


Episode 72 – Bitnation Ambassadors: Erik Vollstädt

The Episode:

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If you enjoyed the episode, don’t keep it a secret! Feel free to share it on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Reddit, or your office bathroom wall.

The Cash:

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Story:

Bitnation is an organisation that has been labeled “governance 2.0” – which offers voluntary and borderless governance services across an decentralised platform. This platform for government can be designed to meet specific requirements for communities and has already been a success across various pilot programs – marriage, land registry and deeding.

In this episode of The Paradise Paradox, I interview Erik Vollstädt – the global lead ambassador of Bitnation. I ask Erik how he found himself involved in Bitnation and his journey to becoming global lead ambassador. We discuss his plans for team growth, task allocations and aspirations for a future global bitnation team of hundreds of ambassadors. This ambassador network will lead teams all across the world, the individual ambassadors will be directly involved with local governments and working to produce governance solutions.

Latin America is showing big potential, and that’s where Erik is choosing to focus. Building synergy between ambassadors will be beneficial in producing transferable products and tutorials for the citizens in that geographical area. Currently amongst the Latin American countries there are active ambassadors in Mexico, Colombia, Uruguay and Argentina.

Erik is eager to continue building momentum and increase the Bitnation team, so, anyone interested in assisting the development of Bitnation contact Erik on Facebook. Or just get involved and be a part of the new world, becoming a world citizen by visiting the Bitnation website.

Be prepared to have your world changed by a decentralised paradigm shift as you enjoy this episode of The Paradise Paradox.

The Links:

Eric Vollstädt – Global Lead Ambassador

BITNATION: Rick Falkvinge

Toni Lane Casserly, Bitnation – Governance 2.0 Civic Tech Showcase Presentation

Land Registry and Deeding

World Citizenship

Pizzanomics: The Minimum Wage

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A lot of people assume that without a minimum wage law, businesses will give their employees pennies, because they’re looking to increase their profits. I’m going to present a case using a slightly different scenario, involving a character we all know and love: pizza. This is Pizzanomics.

Are there price controls on pizza in your town? A maximum pizza price mandate? No? The last time you bought a pizza, did it cost one million dollars? Two million, three million? Even if you didn’t pay a million, you must have seen an ad for a pizzeria charging that much – right? The business owner has a profit motive. Why doesn’t he charge a cool milly for a pizza?

Instead of paying a milly, you probably paid a price that was more or less consistent with the quality and convenience of the pizza. You probably paid a little more if you got it after 10pm, and you probably paid a little more if it was a gourmet pizza.

Let’s say you find a pizza place, and it’s the only one open. They have a pizza for $30 delivered. If you really want a pizza, maybe you buy it. What if the price is $50? You know an Indian place where you can get two curries and coconut rice delivered for $25, so you call them up instead. Maybe the price of the pizza is so high that everyone ordering in decides they will opt for Indian or Thai instead. In the coming weeks or months, will the pizzeria change their prices? What will happen to them if they don’t change their prices?

The next weekend it’s 2 a.m. and you’re feeling in the mood for a pineapple eggplant supreme. You call up the pizzeria and they say their price is still $50. Then you check your mail and realise there is a place that will deliver a supreme for $20. Assuming the quality of the pizza is similar, how do you think the first pizzeria will react when they find out their prices are being undercut? Maybe they will match the price if you mention it. Maybe they will beat it. Maybe they will bring their advertised price down to $25, considering they still have an established name. One thing they will most likely not do, is keep their prices the same and refuse to negotiate.

Why is this important? Are there price controls on labour where you live? A mandatory minimum wage statute, or a union agreement which is backed up by the force of law? The last time you started a job, or in your current employment, did you or do you get paid minimum wage? Most likely you get paid more than minimum wage. Only 2.5% of workers in the USA earn the minimum wage or less. Why do businesses pay more, even though they’re not forced to? The same reason a pizzeria won’t charge a million dollars for a pizza.

Instead of being paid a dollar a day, or being paid the minimum wage, you’re probably paid something that’s consistent with your skill level and convenience of your job. If you do something that requires little training, you probably get paid minimum wage. If you have more experience at it, you probably get paid more than minimum wage. If you do something that requires a lot of training or many years of practice, or if you do shift work, if your work is dangerous or you work away from home, you probably get paid significantly more.

There are less people who are willing to work a dangerous job, willing to do shift work, less people who have certain specialised skills. The decreased supply means the price must increase to match it. All of the employers are competing for the labour, just as the pizzeria is competing for your custom.

And that is Pizzanomics.

Episode 39 – Government is Force

The Episode:

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The Cash:

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate by BitCoin: 182CzJUbz8xb1JZjuVm2S4YUBfd3xk2XfM

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The Story:

Sun is shining, birds chirping, the distant hum of neighbours mowing their lawns and the ringing of a little bell. “Lemonade, come and get your lemonade!” shouted by two young girls. We can see the image – harmless entrepreneurship at work. “Fresh delicious lemonade, only one dollar!” shouted by your 10 year old daughter accompanied by her best friend, Sarah.

Your favourite morning coffee is brewing and its the weekend so, licence to be cheeky, one sugar please. Lost in the aroma, you notice that the bell hasn’t been rung in a while. Then the reactive mental note – maybe I should check on the girls. Then in an instant, you hear screams and the slamming of the front door.

No spilt coffee, but all hairs on end. “We are being robbed!” Sarah screamed from behind her sobbing. Now both girls crying. “What? Who?” you respond, hastily walking to the front door. Through the window, you can see two guys picking up the knocked-over disposable cups and the lemonade stand being loaded in their pickup.

You shout, “What the hell is going on here?” as you walk towards the two goons, your fist clenched with the uncomfortable rage of confusion. “Excuse me sir, there was no permit reserved to distribute lemonade on this street,” said by the Lightweight. Tapping his clipboard he explains, “Without a permit, no one has the permission to sell anything.” Even a sunday garage sale must be registered, with at least two weeks notice. You ask, “What about my daughter’s lemonade?”

“Your property will need to be collected from the collections office within the fortnight, or it will be deemed trash.” But of course, that’s after you pay the fine.

Thoughts and feelings from this story may be similar or even shared. Does government have more of the right to our property than we do? Where should the boundaries of local authority lie? Is the use of force justified? Why should we need to ask permission to be free? In this episode I tell of a similar experience, an encounter with local government authorities, where we ask these questions and more.

The Links:

Footage of cops attacking young girl and getting shouted down
Barack Obama – Government is a monopoly on violence
George Ought To Help
Government explained by an alien
The Story of Your Enslavement
You Can Always Leave
How Government Works

Cover image used under Creative Commons Original image by StockMonkeys

Episode 28 – How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Hate the State Part 2

A continuation! Here is the second half of Kurt’s epic story of how he started asking the big questions about government. Where does the government’s authority come from? Is it possible to have a healthy economy without a government? Is taxation moral? We also discuss the most famous libertarian in Australian politics, David Leyonhjelm; whether Prime Minister Tony Abbott is an alien; and the fact that every Mexican seems to understand when we say “taxation is theft”.

To download the audio, right click and press “save as”.

Remember to subscribe on iTunes or subscribe on Pocket Casts.

Please donate to show your support. BitCoin address: 182CzJUbz8xb1JZjuVm2S4YUBfd3xk2XfM

Or donate your Altcoins using Shapeshift:


Related Links:

Tony Abbott eats onion
Tony not saying anything
Leyonhjelm calls Gillard a dog
Swiss Metals – rare strategic metals (not an affiliate link)
Australian tax on bank deposits
Kurt’s experience in court
The Story of Your Enslavement
The Wealth of Nations audiobook
Capitalism is About Love – Jeffrey Tucker

Episode 18 – Christoph Heuermann Bitnation Governance 2.0

Bitnation is the platform freeing the masses, providing access to services traditionally performed by government. The decentralised system will allow people to obtain passports, register marriages, property and businesses. Now government can be voluntary, and the blockchain does all the work of the bureaucrats.

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Remember to subscribe on iTunes or subscribe on Pocket Casts.

Please donate to show your support. BitCoin address: 182CzJUbz8xb1JZjuVm2S4YUBfd3xk2XfM

Or donate your Altcoins using Shapeshift:

Disclaimer: Nothing in this video is intended to be financial advice. Always consider your personal situation before you make any investment decision.