Tag: australian navy

Magical Witchcraft Scientology Journey of Bobaphet – Part 1 – Episode 195

The Story: Bobaphet joins the navy, a Wiccan coven and Scientology

In this episode, Kurt interviews a good friend Bobaphet about the organisations he has been a member of across his lifetime, including the Australian navy, a large Australian church of Wicca, and the Church of Scientology, among others. We start by talking about his childhood, his unusual experiences as a child such as astral projection, and later his brainwashing during his time in the armed forces, and how that later helped him to see through the intentions of media influence. We talk about the valuable lessons he learned from being a high priest in a church of Wicca, about the egotism that can be common in certain magical orders, and about the techniques of auditing used in Scientology.

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