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The Story:
Have you ever heard of Apitherapy? Better yet, have you heard of stinging yourself to good health? Probably not. This is because alternative medical treatments do not receive big pharma endorsements, nor funding for research, nor commercial campaigns and of course no mainstream exposure. However, I found a recent article stating that Gwyneth Paltrow uses apitherapy, for its therapeutic value and as part of her health regimen. So, if Gwyneth partakes in the bee stings? You may beg the question, why?
Dave Asbury from the ‘Bulletproof Exec’ says that apitherapy may be one of the oldest biohacks around – which dates back to ancient times, Greece, Egypt, and China. Healing people with the medicinal qualities held in bee venom and honey bee products, is no secret. However the real power is in the natural human immune system. It is said that a low percentage of people are allergic to the bee stings. However, the truth is – everyone is allergic to the bee venom, just that the severity may vary. These immune reactions are often mistaken for allergic reactions.
In almost all cases the immune system automatically defends it self from this intruding substance. The bee venom in particular, triggers an overwhelming defence, sending the immune system into overdrive and directing all healing focus to the stung areas. This natural response to bee stings has been seen to have positive results in treating a wide range of illnesses. In addition the bee venom contains 40 different healing components including a mix of vitamins and minerals, these components work together to boost immunity and quicken the healing process.
Today we are going for a consultation with Doctor Carmen, she just happens to be an expert in stinging people with honey bees and has a long history of practicing apitherapy. Dr. Carmen says she has treated an endless list of disease and illnesses, just to name a few, Multiple Sclerosis, Arthritis, Parkinson’s and Lyme disease. In this episode Aaron will take on his child hood trauma and buckle himself into the front row seat of apitherapy. Aaron subjects himself to a total of six bee stings. He finds that the bee stings are not ideal and the reaction symptoms less desirable. No pain killers required and one may feel light headed – prepare yourself for an experience overload! Here is the next, Paradise Paradox!
The Links:
Aaron’s 5th Visit – 16 Bee stings
Bee Well Therapy – Therapy and Training (Connecticut – USA)
Bees stings as therapy – Natural News