Category: Podcast

Patreon Screws Itself – Cryptonomics

Patreon has blocked YouTuber Sargon of Akkad for dropping N bombs, calling it hate speech. Now many customers and creators are leaving Patreon even if they don’t like Sargon. Turns out when it comes to people spending their money, they don’t like being Patreon-ised.

Let’s talk about it.

Scroll down to watch and listen to this episode of Cryptonomics.

Welcome to Cryptonomics, principles of cryptocurrency and investing. Thanks to everyone sharing these videos. I saw a bunch of Steemians comment and resteem my last post – codysamuelson, drewhudson, sha0ran and rave02, thank you kindly.

So Patreon has decided to block Sargon. I don’t see what the big deal is. I mean, all he did was say …

You are acting like a bunch of n***ers, just so you know. You act like white n***ers – exactly how you describe black people acting is the impression dealing with the alt-right.

You carry on, but don’t then expect me to have a debate with one of your f***ots

Maybe you’re just acting like a n***er mate.

Do you think white people act like this? White people are meant to be polite and respectful to one another, and you guys can’t even act like white people.

Listen to the whole interview here.

Ahhh… that’s pretty bad. Yeah, he probably should get a PR coach there.

Even so, this interview is from 10 months ago, and he never posted this interview on Patreon. It seems like the staff went out of their way to get some dirt, and that’s making a lot of creators on Patreon nervous. Who knows if they could find something on Twitter from 5 years back and bring down the banhammer. People suspect that it’s more about Sargon’s politics.

So, large payment platform restricts their services to someone politically unpopular. Where have I heard this story before…?

The Wikileaks Blockade

That’s right, in 2010, the US government put pressure on payment processors such as MasterCard, Visa and Paypal to prevent donations to Wikileaks after they released thousands of documents from the US government. It would have worked too, if not for a pesky kid named Satoshi Nakamoto.

Wikileaks was blocked on all sides, needing money for server costs and probably a bunch of legal fees. They asked if the Bitcoin community might help them out. Satoshi [advised against it](, saying the network wasn’t ready. It was less than 2 years old at that point.

‘Basically, bring it on,’ wrote one poster. Satoshi responded: “No, don’t ‘bring it on.’ The project needs to grow gradually so the software can be strengthened along the way. I make this appeal to WikiLeaks not to try to use bitcoin. Bitcoin is a small beta community in its infancy. You would not stand to get more than pocket change, and the heat you would bring would likely destroy us at this stage.

Wikileaks looked at it, waited, then six months later in June 2011 they started calling for Bitcoin donations, kept Wikileaks afloat, and reportedly made a 50,000% profit.

Independent Media Blockades

Sargon’s Patreon problem is just a recent event in a long string of censorship collusion. Back in August 2018, Alex Jones and InfoWars. were banned from YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, everything, all around the same time – most on the same day.

Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change had his videos demonetised long ago, and the other day claimed that videos on other channels will get demonetised just for having him in it.

New Solutions

Now just like with Wikileaks choosing to accept Bitcoin, we’re seeing independent media move towards other websites. Sargon has moved on to Patreon alternative SubscribeStar. Other pundits are looking for systems which aren’t so easy to take down or witchhunt.

Sam Harris and Jordan Peterson are now accepting donations on their websites using credit cards or PayPal instead of Patreon. I just wonder how long it will be before someone in alternative media gets blocked from credit card processors.

On Peterson’s site he also accepts Bitcoin, and he has put up his work on BitTube. BitTube is a YouTube alternative which pays crypto based on views. Peterson is also talking about creating a new platform for creatives, which is he says will be harder to censor.

The MasterCard Conspiracy

Jacqueline Hart, Trust & Safety officer at Patreon reached out to YouTuber Matt Christiansen to talk about the situation. [Christiansen sneakily recorded and transcribed the conversation](, and it was… weird.

At one point Ms. Hart said “Payment processing depends on our ability to use the global payment network, and they have rules for what they will process.”

Jacqueline Hart goes back and forth between saying that they have to follow the rules of payment networks like Visa and MasterCard, and it’s entirely their own decision.

Based on that and a few other facts, a YouTuber named [ShortFatOtaku makes the case that the payment shut downs are initiated by MasterCard]( MasterCard’s plan is to promote immigration to developed nations, so they can get more customers. Imagine having a product with such a high penetration that you have to import customers! Anyone who opposes immigration is an obstacle, so MasterCard puts pressure on Patreon to shut down their funding.

Too late for MasterCard

If that’s really the case, the whole thing is pretty hilarious. A stunt like that might have worked 10 years ago, but now the alternatives are too well-developed. In many ways, this is exactly the kind of scenario that Bitcoin was invented for – a peer to peer system of digital cash, that resists censorship. If two people can access Bitcoin, no political force can stop them, short of entering their homes and handcuffing them.

Assuming this is true, people still aren’t going to give up their MasterCards overnight. Credit and debit cards are just too darn convenient. But in many ways, MasterCard is making themselves less useful, making people find other options and leave them behind. They’re saying that customers can no longer use their service in the way they want. It would be like if Kodak knew about digital cameras and decided to only allow photos to be processed in black and white.

I have to wonder if the execs at MasterCard realising what they’re doing, actively driving people away from them and towards their opposition. We’re all characters on a stage, everyone has their part to play, and these actors push forward, into the next act of history.

What do you think? Is there a conspiracy to shut down independent media? How is it going to turn out for the old guard? What will payment platforms look like in a couple of years? Leave me a thoughtful comment and make my day.

If you’re watching on Facebook, please subscribe on YouTube. My YouTube subscriber count could use a little love. Thanks for listening, thanks for sharing, thanks for being you and stay grateful!

You can listen and subscribe on Anchor and other podcasting services here:

Cryptonomics – Patreon Screws Itself

Magic Mushroom Messages: Interview with 434 – Episode 201

The Story: Psychedelic Machine Elves

Since the dawn of man, and maybe a few hours before, people have been using psychedelic substances to expand their consciousness, give them a greater perspective, and get in touch with something divine. Psilocybe mushrooms, peyote and other substances were seen as holy, a sacrament, a way to connect something deep within us.

These days, many might consider that superstition, but as the public discourse and awareness of psychedelics grow, more people are talking about the sacraments’ relationship to spiritual experiences, and even contacting wise and ancient entities, with knowledge to impart and calm guidance. Some call them our ancestors, some call them “self-transforming machine elves”.

On this episode, Kurt interviews Peter, known by his YouTube channel 434, about his experiences talking to these spirits or angels during and after his mushroom journeys. Much like the mushrooms themselves, Peter is building a network, branching out to find like-minded individuals. We discussed a lot of subjects – the intelligence of plant and nature, how good and evil are very human concepts, near death experiences, and the origin of species.

Welcome to another life-changing roller-coaster ride on this next episode of … The Paradise Paradox!

The Eps:

What drugs do you use to contact aliens?

Peyote Contact with an Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence Part 1

Peyote Trip Overview

L-Dixon – Believer to Wonderer

Shamans with Guns – Luis Fernando Mises

The Links:

Peter’s channel on YouTube – 434

Myanmar children who behave like Japanese soldiers

The Cash:

If you enjoy our posts, please like and follow The Paradise Paradox’s page on Steemit where you can join, earn money, and upvote our posts to help support the show! You can also find a lot of additional content which is not posted on this site, with Kurt’s posts on Steemit. Also check out my new site, Cryptonomics, and follow Cryptonomics on Steemit

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Episode:

Listen and subscribe to The Paradise Paradox on Anchor and other services.

If you enjoyed the episode, don’t keep it a secret! Feel free to share it on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Reddit, or your office bathroom wall.

Get Rich, Save Money – Cryptonomics

There’s a lot of people out there who want to speculate in crypto, but they don’t have the funds. You just gotta follow Uncle Kurt’s simple and ingenious patented formula:

  1. Save money
  2. Make money

Let’s talk about how to save money.

Welcome to Cryptonomics, principles of cryptocurrency and investing.

Thank you so much to everyone who is sharing these articles, videos and podcasts, 1000 Christmas blessings on all your families.

If you want to invest in crypto or stocks or even your own business, you need to get capital first. I know from experience that saving small amounts of money every week can add up over the years. But you gotta find that money to save, to put that money into a fund to buy your own financial freedom, and it all starts with paying yourself first, being conscious of your money, learning restraint, and being grateful.

Pay yourself first

If you wait till the end of your pay period to see if you have money left over to save, you’re leaving things up to chance, and you’re likely to fail. Put money into your freedom fund as soon as you get paid. Pay yourself first.

These days we do have some tools which make the whole thing a bit easier. A lot of banks have automatic savings plans, where you can set the amount to go into your savings account on the day you get paid… Or set up a transfer every month so you send the money to the crypto exchange, ready to be launched to the moon.

In Australia, it can be cool to have a savings account with a separate bank… because bank transfers can take up to three business days. That means you don’t have to worry about impulsively spending your money. Plan ahead, that goes for everyone, but especially if you have impulsive tendencies. You need to plan in a way that accounts for your nature.

There’s also a bunch of apps that will round up your purchases and put the spare change into a savings account or investment. You can use different apps depending on where you live: Acorns in the USA, Raiz in Australia, Monzo in the UK.

Another way to build your freedom fund is a Save More Tomorrow plan, where, when you get a raise, some of the increase starts going into your 401k or superannuation.

Conscious Spending

Have you ever looked at your bank balance, seen double or single digits and wondered, “where in the name of Eris did my money go?” That’s a sign that your spending habits are unconscious. To control them, you must make them conscious.

For a long time, I’d always keep a notepad with me. I’d write how much I bought, every cent known, and later categorised. Even if I put a couple of coins into a busker’s guitar case, I’d write it down. Probably not in front of him though.

Then you can enter them into a spreadsheet, or even use an app like You Need A Budget.

Review your spending and your receipts later and ask, did I really need this item? Did I use it, or end up throwing it out? Could I have found a cheaper way that was just as good, or better, with a similar amount of time and effort?

Review the spreadsheet and ask why you spent so much in each category. You might notice that a lot of money is actually going into the “entertainment” category, or a lot more goes on eating out than on home-cooked food.

Just the act of making your spending conscious can lead to great changes in the long term. Consciousness transforms everything to which it is applied.

Control Yourself

One main reason people don’t get ahead with money is because they haven’t practised restraint. When they see something nice, their impulses take over, the salesgirl steps in and starts saying how much money you’ll save if you buy today, and all of a sudden you’ve spent $300 on felt hats, French ticklers, and a new puppy.

That’s a reason to learn to meditate. I was talking to my monk friend from Wat Tham Krabok the other day. He told me the two foundations of their meditation practice there are, practise with a certain intention, and practise for a certain period. If you say you will sit until the incense stick burns out, then that’s what you do. You might have all kinds of whims while you’re seated, but you persist, you do what you set out to do. You practise integrity, ignoring impulses, and fulfilling your will.

Stay grateful

Remember to be grateful for what you have. It might sound like a scolding from your parents, or some new-age platitude, but being grateful is actually very practical.

Being smart with money isn’t about being stingy, it’s about being prudent. When some people start saving money, they go too far, become a tightwad, trying to get out more than they put in. They might even put strain on their friendships. Money is important, it can never be as important as your relationships.

If you start thinking with the mindset of a miser, you might get all the money in the world and still feel poor. The idea is to feel grateful, and realise that you’re already wealthy, to feel the abundance of wealth, but also exercise the restraint of a human comfortable in his wealth, someone who respects the power of money. You can’t at once be grateful for something and take it for granted. The more grateful you are, the more you respect it, and the more you learn.

A prudent fiscal strategy is like a beautiful poem – every word and letter in place, every one important, some empowering and some delightful. Every one part of a greater whole, and aligned to its highest purpose.

Shout outs

I’d like to shout out one young lady who commented on my video last year strongly criticising how I looked, my T-shirt, and even the nail on the bedroom wall behind me. I didn’t like the criticism at the time, but that was the grain of sand that stimulated the growth of a pearl. That’s a key reason I take so much pride in the appearance of my videos today.

So thanks to all the haters!

Thank you

Thank you for listening to Cryptonomics.

Please, please please please share this with your friends. It means so much to me on a spiritual, emotional sacred devotional level. Please share it, I put this content for free, putting in all the time, effort, thought and experience to make a work of art, a shining holy light of crypto knowledge, given freely and generously in the hopes of a better world.

Almost every time I put out an episode, I come to a point where I think, I could put in a little extra effort to make this video cooler, or I could be lazy and publish it as it is. 99% of the time, I put in that effort. I do that for myself, because I want to create something that exceeds my standards, but I also do it for you guys, to make something more compelling, entertaining and enlightening. You don’t have to do anything for me, nothing is owed. But I would love it if you share these videos and podcasts. Thank you so much to those already sharing it. It’s pretty amazing when someone listens to what I have to say, and enjoys it so much that they want others to enjoy it too.

Take care, I hope you’re enjoying your holidays, and once again, stay grateful.

You can listen and subscribe on Anchor and other podcasting services here:

Cryptonomics – Get Rich, Save Money

I Got Deported From Mexico – Episode 200


The Story: Kurt was kicked out of Mexico

In 2017, Kurt was deported from Mexico for overstaying his tourist card, serving as a warning to all those ex-pats who let their papers lapse.

In the detention centre, he met many fascinating characters, a kind drug-dealing hippie, a Romanian credit card fraudster, many Central Americans and many Indian gentlemen, trying to get to the United States to earn an honest living.

In this episode Kurt is joined by former Paradise Paradoxian, Mr. Aaron Battle, and we discuss being deported, the culture of bribery that exists in most of the world, how Trump’s presidency has put pressure on the Mexican government, Mexico’s new president, and all kinds of fun stuff.

Join us for another involuntary world trip on … The Paradise Paradox!

The Eps:

The Links:

Deported – Getting kicked out of Mexico

Deported – Leaving Mexico the hard way 1

Deported – Leaving Mexico the hard way 2

Deported – Leaving Mexico the hard way 3

Deported – Leaving Mexico the hard way 4

Deported – Leaving Mexico the hard way 5

Deported – Leaving Mexico the hard way 6

Deported – Leaving Mexico the hard way 7

Deported – Leaving Mexico the hard way 8

Deported – Leaving Mexico the hard way 9

The Cash:

If you enjoy our posts, please like and follow The Paradise Paradox’s page on Steemit where you can join, earn money, and upvote our posts to help support the show! You can also find a lot of additional content which is not posted on this site, with Kurt’s posts on Steemit. Also check out my new site, Cryptonomics, and follow Cryptonomics on Steemit

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Episode:

Listen and subscribe to The Paradise Paradox on Anchor and other services.

If you enjoyed the episode, don’t keep it a secret! Feel free to share it on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Reddit, or your office bathroom wall.


Why Bitcoin Is Still King – Juan Galt – Cryptonomics

In the cryptocurrency market, anybody with a laptop, a little coding knowledge and a dream can invent a new asset, programming a financial instrument from their garage, scaring the pants off of regulators like the SEC, and many banks. That’s why it’s so popular among libertarians – it’s liberty money. However, freedom also comes with responsibility. A free market with little oversight and no system of redress leads to widespread scams and other shady projects.

There are many ways to address this issue – for example, asking ICOs to get escrows to hold their funds until they reach key points in their projects, to prevent them taking the money and running. We can also leverage media to exposed poorly-conceived coins. And, as crypto journalist and consultant Juan Galt points out in this interview, we can stick to established projects like Bitcoin.

Thinning out the field

In a market of 1500+ coins, many of which were probably started on a whim, it’s unlikely that most of them will survive the long term. Many won’t ever be widely traded on exchanges, let alone becoming money, being widely used in commerce in any society, and many, such as Ethereum, don’t even intend to become currencies. Bitcoin, being the biggest and oldest cryptocurrency, is one of few which have the chance to gain world reserve currency status.

The gap of libertarian thought

Libertarians don’t want government oversight in most markets – they believe that commerce can work just fine on its own in many cases. However, it does seem that crypto libertarians are overlooking just how out of control things can be without regulation. Fraud is rampant among crypto projects, and the resources we have to address it are still limited.

Crypto start-ups create fancy presentations, write whitepapers, create flashy but meaningless marketing campaigns on any social media platform that will still allow them, raising thousands or millions of dollars. Then when the campaign ends, the projects have little accountability. The tokens are not contracts, and they make no guarantees of any return on investment. Legally, the creators can walk without consequence.

We can expose bad actors by talking about them on blogs and YouTube channels, shaming them for their actions and encouraging others to withdraw support. Or, as Juan suggests, we can ignore them entirely, and stick with Bitcoin.

You can listen and subscribe on Anchor and other podcasting services here:

Cryptonomics – Why Bitcoin Is Still King with Juan Galt


Financially Free In 4 Years? – Cryptonomics

Is it possible to become financially free within 4 years, the same amount of time it takes to complete a university degree? Maybe.

In December 2018, the crypto market is lower than it’s been in 16 months. That will send many running, but for contrarians looking for an opportunity, it looks great.

Of course, to take advantage, you need to be careful with your money. Pay yourself first, tighten your purse strings, and remember your legacy. Then, glory may await you on the other side.

Scroll down to watch and listen to this episode.

Financially Free with Crypto

Now more than ever, it’s possible to become financially independent within a short period, maybe 4 years, maybe even 1 year.

Many of you have heard me use the example of Peter Thiel investing in Facebook. If you had bought $10 worth of Facebook at the same time Thiel did, you could have sold at IPO for more than $900,000. Back then it was almost impossible to invest small amounts at that stage, but with ICOs and new forms of investment, it is possible.

But there’s certain things you have to do first. In order to make money investing, first you have to save the money to invest.

Pay Yourself First

When I worked in a call centre, I’d get a lot of calls every week asking “Can I please delay the direct debit till next week?” In many cases, it seemed my customers had spent the last dollars in their bank accounts, without thinking through what they might soon owe.

That’s the plight of the common man, a lack of financial education leaving them one paycheque away from being destitute.

The normal pattern of spending upon getting paid goes like this:

  1. Buy something nice for yourself
  2. Hopefully pay my dues
  3. Save whatever isn’t left

The pattern of the prudent goes like this:

  1. Pay yourself
  2. Pay your dues
  3. Maybe buy yourself something nice

If you have trouble being disciplined with your money, the best thing to do is make it automatic. Set up an automatic savings plan, sending 1% or 10% your money to a different account so it’s harder to access. Then you can save, invest or tithe that money.

There are also apps such as Raiz and Monzo to help you with this process, by rounding up what you spend to the nearest dollar, then saving it or investing it.

Tighten The Purse Strings

With so many modern conveniences today, everyone with smartphones and laptops, it’s easy to be spoiled – to believe that you deserve luxuries. If our great grandparents could see how we live today, how flippantly we spend money, buying new things and throwing out old things, they’d be shocked.

If I lose a couple of buttons on a shirt, I might throw out the shirt and buy a new one. Yet, somewhere in the house is a sewing kit, and I can easily mend what is broken for a mere fraction of the cost.

Cheap Thrills Become Dear

One key expense for a lot of people is alcohol. In Australia I’ve seen people spend $50, $100 or even $200 a night going out to a club. Every dollar you spend now, is a dollar you could be putting away to improve your future.

Governments know that the common man has few pleasures, and therefore spends his money on cigarettes and alcohol. So, they tax them, a lot – sometimes as much as 100%. By buying them, you’re playing their game and keeping yourself poor.

When the taxes get higher, it gets easier to buy black market tobacco. As beer prices rise, yeast prices stay low, so homebrewing is an option. Drink at home instead of a nightclub, or just cut out the habit altogether. It’s a well-kept secret, but nightclubs are often more fun when you’re not drinking.

Vegetarianism for Cheapskates

Meat is generally expensive compared to vegetables. If you eat meat two meals a day, in Australia and other countries that can add up to thousands of dollars a year.

At the first Anarchapulco in 2015, entrepreneur Travis Boyd got up and told his story of dreaming, sacrifice and perseverance about establishing a wireless ISP in his town, breaking down the oligopoly of service providers. He said “I did it. It took me a year, I ate beans and rice, but I did it.” Everyone stood up and applauded because they heard the power in what he was saying. Mr. Boyd had made real sacrifices, and achieved something great because of it.

The other perspective is, beans and rice are delicious. Put some onion, tomato, chilli, cumin, maybe some fried plantain Cuban style, and you have a delightful meal on your hands. The lesson is, with creativity, living with less can actually be more fulfilling. In other words, money can never be a substitute for your own resourcefulness.

The Legacy You Inherited

I know what you might be thinking. “I could never give up steak for a year! That would be absolute torture!” And I have a couple of things to say to you.

The first thing is, I love you.

The second thing is: you spoiled brat. You pampered milquetoast waterling. Didn’t your ancestors run across plains barefoot? Didn’t they hide in caves? Didn’t they forage not knowing if they would eat? Didn’t they wonder if they would survive the next day? And didn’t they do it with a smile on their face?

Didn’t they possess that strength of body, spirit, of character? Didn’t they sit through snowstorms, thunderstorms, sandstorms and icestorms, with barely a pulse to keep their hands warm?

Didn’t they give that to you? Isn’t that your heritage? Isn’t that the legacy you’ve inherited? Isn’t that your being? Isn’t that your very name?

It’s easy to throw around words like “I cannot” and “I could never”, but if you really respected the sacrifices that your ancestors had gone through to get you here, maybe you wouldn’t use those words so flippantly. Maybe if you remembered that, you would make the effort to say “I can try” or “I can”, or even “I will no matter what.”

It’s December 2018. For those few who find a way to save some $1000s over the next four years, things could be crazy.

Bitcoin has tumbled to $3500, and there’s blood on the streets. People are uncertain and many will put aside their dreams they had of speculating on crypto projects, finding a genuine investment that improves the world, serves humanity, and makes them some silver.

Do you have what it takes to make a few sacrifices, put the chips down, take a punt for your future? If you do, there might well be glory waiting for you on the other side.

Thank you

Thanks for reading, watching and listening to Cryptonomics. Thank you to all those people who share this post with your friends. I love it when you do that.

A quick shout out to the gentleman Martin Dillon, who has been following me for years, comments on so many of my videos and always says something positive. Thanks Martin.

Have a great day, and remember to stay grateful!


You can listen and subscribe on Anchor and other podcasting services here:

Cryptonomics – Financially Free in 4 Years?


How I Got My Bitcoins Back – Cryptonomics

I told you on my last episode, I lost my bitcoins back in March 2017. After 20 months of no movement on the case, many emotions like frustration, despair, regret, and peace, I finally got them back.

Let me tell you about about my journey battling the support team and Telegram admins, and finally getting a positive result.

Scroll down to watch or listen to the episode.

Bye Bye Bitcoins

I lost the bitcoins. They’d locked the account, they’d deleted my support request. It looked like there was no hope. I started posting on the Bleutrade thread on Bitcointalk forum, but it seemed that the staff hadn’t accessed it since they started the thread. I told my story on there, saying I hadn’t got my bitcoins back after a week. One fellow named 1369 he questioned my credibility, considering I didn’t have a posting history on Bitcointalk.

I overcame his initial skepticism and he said he would try to help. He’d had a really good experience with Bleutrade, so good that he had some connections with the staff. He said he figured somehow my case had just slipped through the cracks, and he’d try to get them to do something about it. So I’m grateful to 1369 that he tried.

But still, nothing, no response, no emails, no concern from the staff about the bad reputation that their exchange was developing.

Changing winds

With no apparent recourse, I gave up on it. As traders might say, I reached capitulation. I thought there was no chance of getting anything out of these guys. If they wanted to keep my money, they would.

That changed a couple of weeks ago when I went back on the Bitcointalk forum and 1369 was saying that Bleutrade had opened a Telegram group, and now would be the end of the bad talk against the exchange – people could now obtain answers to their basic support questions quite quickly.

It so happened that in September 2018, Bleutrade became regulated by the Maltese state, which might have forced it to be a little stricter with certain practices. It also meant that I probably had some recourse if I didn’t get my money, as Bleutrade probably wouldn’t want to risk its licence.

A new hope…ish

I went to Bleutrade’s new site and was surprised to find that I could log in. I could see the old transactions there, two deposits and a withdrawal, which had been cancelled, but the funds had never been returned to the account. I made a note of them, and put in a support request. The next day I noticed that I had again been locked out of the account. Great.

I went on the Telegram group and asked a couple of times what was going on. The first two times I received no response. When I tagged the admins in a post, the guy said that the support team would get to it, and said that I already knew what was going on. I was a little confused, how would I know what was going on? He said it was being handled internally. I said “It sounds like you’re saying Bleutrade has taken my money.” He said don’t be silly, Bleutrade has never taken anyone’s money, and then accused me of slander, and attempting to sow discord.

I just imagine this situation. My friend calls me on the weekend and asks “Hey bro what are you up to tonight – you want to go to the bar and hoist a few?”

Naturally I would respond: “Nah mate I’m pretty busy, I’ve got this great new hobby, I like to sow discord in random crypto Telegram groups.” Seriously?

I considered pointing out to the admin that my statement was just an opinion, and therefore not slanderous, and his statement accusing me of slander, was actually slanderous. I thought better of it. I thought, this guy is going to keep prodding me until I explode in the chat so it looks like I’m the bad guy, and then they can block me, and likely again avoid returning my funds.

Fortunately I PM’d another admin, he said I’d receive a response that day. I said thanks.

Two criminal masterminds

To my surprise, I did get a response that day. The weird and incredible irony was that, all this time I thought they were thieves for taking my bitcoins – but they stated reason they took them was that, they believed I had stolen the bitcoins. I’d deposited They said when they didn’t get any support request from me, they decided it was proof that the source of my funds was indeed illegitimate.

Of course, I did put in a support request. I went through my old records and found the text, date and link. But besides that, when you lock a dude out of his account, wouldn’t you think to like, contact him?

At the time, it looked like one big scam, but according to them, they were merely following prudent anti-money laundering procedures.

The real story…?

My best guess of what actually happened is that in 2017, a rogue staff member decided to pilfer my funds and cover his tracks by deleting the support request and confirming a red flag on the transactions to mark it as illegitimate. The exchange continued and eventually gained the Maltese licence, which put them under greater scrutiny, so when I had the chance to protest, they decided to colour in this little story of funds marked stolen.

In their version of the story, they never contacted me to ask what was going on, and just assumed their own customer to be a criminal. I’m not entirely sure which is worse.

A happy ending

The happy ending is, they asked me to confirm my identity and explain the source of the funds. I did so, and they said okay we will unlock your account and the funds. They did it, and I got my bitcoins. How about that! So despite all my criticisms of Bleutrade, I’m grateful for what they did. They could have drawn out the process and made it difficult, but they gave me back my bitcoins, and even despite the recent downturn in the market, they’re still worth a lot more than when I lost them.

So there are some important lessons to be learned here:

  1. Never give up. You don’t have to hold on to your bitterness or your disillusionment, but you don’t have to give up.
  2. Never assume malice when incompetence will suffice.
  3. Never use Bleutrade.

Thank you

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Stay grateful.

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Cryptonomics – How I Got My Bitcoins Back

Losing half a mill and keeping your cool – Luis Fernando Mises – Cryptonomics

It’s common to hear stories of people losing hard drives that held millions of dollars of bitcoin, losing a crypto password or even getting your regular exchanged hacked so hard it never recovers. For a lot of people, it might be devastating to lose their life’s savings, and there’s even the cliché of the Wall Street traders ending it all after losing a fortune.

In this interview, “Emancipated Human” Luis Fernando Mises explains the things he focused on after a tragic loss – losing his best friend and his money at once. It’s always going to be tough, but with confidence in your own skills, the support of your loved ones, and the knowledge that you can always rebuild, life becomes a lot less stressful. Scroll down to listen or watch the episode.

Making the most of what you have

In this day and age, with so mobile phones, computers and video games, it’s easy to forget that just a couple of generations ago, people didn’t have that stuff. Most of our grandparents went through periods where they had very little disposable income, and if they wanted to have a good time, they would find ways to do it for free. It’s free to dance, to sing, to converse and make friends. The people who make the most of things when they have nothing are going to be happier when they have something, and working on the imagination develops your resourcefulness – helping you find ways to create wealth.

The cycle of wealth

Luis says his parents always told him that life is like a ferris wheel – sometimes you’re at the top, and sometimes you’re at the bottom. If times are bad, don’t take it too seriously, and when times are good, don’t take it for granted. Nobody can say how long either will last.

Respectful saving and spending

When some people get money, their inclination is to hoard it, to be very careful with how they spend it, and certainly not to risk it. For these people, showing respect for money means learning to spend it on things that may increase their quality of life, and to invest it on things that have a chance of increasing their wealth.

However, the opposite problem is much more common. Most people spend their paycheque as soon as they receive it, and find themselves scrambling for coins before the next pay cycle clicks over. In this case, being grateful for money means setting some aside for the bad times, and pausing before they invest their money, considering where it is best put to use.

Watch the episode Bitcoin is like poker to learn more about risk-inclined and risk-averse personalities.

Money makes you more like you are

Luis says, if you want to see the true nature of a person, give them power, money, stress, or booze. When people think there are less consequences of their actions, or when they’re pushed to their limit, you’re more likely to see what kind of person they are. We can all develop our character to be more consistent, to show respect for others even when there is no reward. The restraint we show in good times will make bad times much easier.

It’s not about the money

There’s always something to be grateful for, even if you lose all of your material wealth. If you lose your house, you still have your family. Lose your family, you still have your friends. Lose your friends, you still have your health.

The skills you build can stay with you a long time, as can the relationships. You may have a precious few who stick with you no matter what, and remind you not to risk forgetting that you are powerful, that divine power within you – to change, and be changed. Stay grateful!

Important links

Emancipated Human – listen to Luis’s podcast here, he also sells kratom
DFiles – Crypto in Venezuela
Bobaphet on Steemit
EFTnow on Steemit
Bitcoin is like poker – Cryptonomics
Photo credit – Judd Weiss

You can listen and subscribe on Anchor and other podcasting services here:

Cryptonomics – Losing half a mill and staying cool – Luis Fernando Mises

Dash vs Hyperinflation (Or, Why Fiat Currency Sucks) – Cryptonomics

Let me ask you a question… What is fiat currency, and why does it suck so much?

Welcome to Cryptonomics, principles of cryptocurrency and investing. I’d like to talk about how Dash is helping people handle the problems of hyperinflation in Venezuela, and give you some historical context about the failure of fiat currency, and why you shouldn’t trust governments with the money supply.

Thanks so much to everyone sharing, resteeming, liking and commenting on this content. I can feel that we’re already building a community of people that’s willing to ask the deeper questions about finance.

Scroll down to the bottom of this post to watch the video or listen to the podcast!

Fiat currencies

Getting into crypto, you’ve probably heard the term “fiat currency”. Some people say that “fiat currency” means a currency not backed by anything, but the literal meaning is “currency by decree”. Governments declare that something must be accepted as a payment for debts – that’s what’s known as “legal tender”, and they’ll demand that currency as taxes. In a very real sense, it’s violent money, blood money. The government makes a threat, saying pay us using our money, or we will put you in a cage.

Before 1971, national currencies were backed by gold or silver in some form. At certain times in history, you could even go into a national bank, hand in your notes and receive gold in return. Not any more though. The US dollar, the British pound, the euro, and of course the Venezuelan bolívar are fiat currencies, used largely because of that threat of state force. Cryptocurrencies like Dash and Bitcoin aren’t fiat currencies. No formal office has declared them to be money, and generally, people aren’t forced into using them. So to the extent that people do use them, is generally the extent that they are useful. They use them because they want to, not because they have to. Let’s talk about hyperinflation. Let’s go back to beautiful Venezuela.

Hyperinflation in Venezuela

February 18, 1983, Black Friday. The bolívar was unpegged from the US dollar. 25 years later, in January 2008, the bolívar was worth so little that the government decided to chop three zeros off the currency, phasing out the bolívar, replacing it with the bolívar fuerte or strong bolívar. Now ten years later, they’ve again revalued the currency, replacing the strong bolívar with the sovereign bolívar. They planned to cut off three zeros in June 2018, but it was August before the plan went through, so they cut 5 zeros instead, dividing bank accounts by 100,000. Now there are many causes for this, including the sanctions by the US and other countries, and the fall in the oil price. One thing is undeniable though… The government ruined the money by printing too much.

Hyperinflation through history

I wish I could tell you this was a new story, but it’s not. This isn’t the first time it’s happened. The Argentine peso has been revalued 4 times since 1970, and might even be due for another crash. The continental dollar issued during the US revolutionary war was such a spectacular failure that people started saying the phrase “not worth a continental”. In the German Weimar republic, hyperinflation was so marked that there were reports of a mental disorder known as zero stroke, where bookkeepers would get obsessed with large numbers, writing long strings of zeros without stopping, and when asked their age, they would say they were 40 billion years old. The more power you give a small group of people over a society’s money, the more likely and rampant the corruption. Power corrupts, power is irresistible to the corruptible. Historically, every fiat currency has failed, sooner or later. The average lifespan of a fiat currency is 27 years. When Nixon cut the final tie to gold, he removed the backing of almost every international currency. That was 47 years ago.

Dash vs Hyperinflation

Compared to fiat, it’s very difficult to hyperinflate cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Dash because the issuance of the currency is set by the software, which is in the hands of the people. If Fed chairman Jerome Powell wanted to come in and say “Let’s print a million bitcoin today, let’s print a billion Dash tomorrow,” the network would have to come to a consensus for that to pass. The reason I mention Dash over other crypto is because it’s one currency that people in Venezuela are choosing to use to do business. People have been mentioning some others to me, for example Nano, which looks like a cool project – zero fees and instant transactions. The Bitcoin Cash community is also doing charity projects there which shows us the hearts of people in crypto and humanity in general. However, Dash is already getting traction as a medium of exchange in Venezuela, people are choosing it to conduct commerce. A big problem when people come into a community and try to help them using a new technology… They come from outside, and try to tell people how to use it, when they don’t know the problems that are unique to that area. What happens with Dash is, people submit proposals to the treasury and get funding for projects. That means local people who already know the culture and the problems can come up with ways to address them. So the conferences and contact centres set up for Dash in Venezuela are coming from inside the community they’re trying to help.

Not only does Dash have the money to support these projects, they also have a system which can benefit from all the brains of the people who need it. That’s the beauty of crowdsourcing, these decentralised systems that have access to a crazy amount of human capital. I asked one Venezuelan in the Dash Discord about its adoption. He goes by the moniker LeoGrizz, and he had this to say:

“We Venezuelans are learning the advantages of a currency which is more stable than the bolivar, and we’re enjoying the advantages of the payment system for that reason. Of course it’s understood that a currency isn’t enough to solve all our problems, but if the adoption of Dash continues such a rapid path, I doubt very much that Dash would disappear after Venezuela gets back on its feet. On the contrary, it would affirm its position and have an even greater value.”

The dream of cryptocurrency is alive, the dream of a world where money, the lifeblood of an economy, is not controlled and abused by warmongers and sociopaths, but instead is in the hands of the people. Viva Venezuela.

Thank you

@jorge21commented on my last video on Steemit; I’ll paraphrase his comment:

“I am Venezuelan. We are held captive by the military and rotten politicians. They are sucking all resources just like a leech sucks blood. Everything is hitting bottom: health, education, food, infrastructure, among other things. Cryptocurrency is a way to salvation for Venezuela and the world.”

Thanks Jorge, it’s good to hear that crypto is starting to have the positive effect many of us hoped it would when we got involved, that it does offer people opportunities, that there is hope for a better future. Also a quick shout out to the Dash community who have been so supportive, especially Mark Mason and Tao of Satoshi. Thanks for listening to Cryptonomics. As Mark says, stay Dashy, and as always, stay grateful!

Important links

Emancipated Human

Emancipated Human on Facebook

The Cryptolifer Mentality by Bob Stanley

You can listen and subscribe on Anchor and other podcasting services here: Cryptonomics – Dash vs Hyperinflation

Do you believe in ghosts? Juan Galt – Episode 199

The Story: Ever seen a spirit in the night?

Have you ever seen a ghost? Can atheists believe in ghosts, or is it solely the domain of the faithful? In this episode, Kurt chats to Juan Galt about what apparitions mean, where they might come from, and what they could be if they’re not literal spiritual entities. They also share a few personal stories of seeing weird things in the night.

Juan can’t help you exorcise your house, but he can help you get started with Bitcoin or cryptocurrency in general. Reach out to Juan Galt on Twitter.

The Eps:

Bitcoin Maximalist Juan Galt – Episode 198

The Links:

Juan Galt on Twitter

The Cash:

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The Episode:

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