Tag: trip

Education: Psychedelics Forever – Episode 138

The Story: Psychedelics Forever

Learning should be considered a super power! Traditional schooling illustrates that the ability to absorb knowledge, duplicate skills and regurgitate information, is a sliding scale. However, what if everyone has equally ability to learn, grow ideas and apply knowledge. We are aware that people learn in different ways and that mainstream topics may not be interesting to all.

Almost the complete first world has accepted a generic, one size fits all schooling system. Children and young adults are forced to forfeit their innocent years for behavioural pruning, locked-in then routinely fed approved programming. The brain training is extensive (13 years and growing) for a long future of receiving instruction. This destructive habit building process of uniform activities, has high jacked a ‘valued education’ of critical thinking and stolen the imagination of generations.

The students are distracted during critical years of mental and physical brain development, while their parents have 100% of their trust in federal government bodies and corporate interests. The socially accepted education system is believed to serve families, while economic constraints hold mum and dad at work, while the children are being baby sat.

Machines have no mind, machines are also rated on output. Our children are taught performance from day one – A, B, we ‘C’ that you are average, ‘D’ and why are you such an F?

Now lets explore some ideas, in short – everyone has a preferred learning style, visual, aural, read/write and kinaesthetic. You don’t need to be a professor to realise that combinations of styles accompanied with targeted studies that align with individual interests will improve learning effectiveness. Expanding the experience by including multiple senses can be very useful in effective learning.

Now for those jumping ahead, I am not setting up an argument pro the introduction of psychedelics to the classroom. However, being able to cross wire the human brain and experience short periods of synesthesia (seeing sounds, hearing colours and tasting language) could potential have some positive application. From the perspective of a sensible adult studying a vast topic (the life experience) and with no prescribed curriculum, perhaps psychedelics have something to offer? New research in the area of micro-dosing psychedelic substances (LSD) have published positive results and illustrated extremely interesting effects on the brain.

In this episode, we discuss a new found benefit to homeschooling and a few personal views on living to expand your mind. Kurt outlines the philosophy of trip life, an option to pursue a career as a psychedelic adventurer – ‘If you’re not coming down from a trip, you are preparing for another’. This came from the concept of avoiding the cage of a small-town mindset and expanding it to universes and possibly dimensions, If you dare.

Prepare yourself to slip and trip into The Paradise Paradox, where there is no such thing as a bad trip!

The Eps:

What drugs do you use to contact aliens?
Peyote Trip Overview: San Luis Potosí
Ayahuasca Diaries 1

The Links:

Brains potential – Effect of LSD on the brain
VARK – Study
The Serious Limitation of Rote Memorisation You Probably Don’t Know About
Dayna Martin – Radical unschooling: Peaceful parenting and natural learning

The Cash:

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The Episode:

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Episode 55 – Latin American Travel Adventures

The Episode:

To download the audio, right click and press “save as”.

Remember to subscribe on iTunes or subscribe on Pocket Casts.

If you enjoyed the episode, don’t keep it a secret! Feel free to share it on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Reddit, or your office bathroom wall.

The Cash:

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link.

The Story:

Trippa? Taking a Trip can blow your mind! Nothing to do with hallucinations, mushrooms, ancient rituals, or drinking goats blood under a full moon while rotating your arse on a ouija board.

We are talking about going old school, boots, bag packed and exploring the real world. Travelling is a mind expanding experience because it gives life a chance to question itself. Perhaps decades of routine and familiar rhythms have created a comfortable lifestyle, yet many of us find ourselves numb and occasionally find ourselves slipping into a feeling of emptiness. Travelling is often a natural calling, something spiritual which the soul begs for. Gaining new perspectives and changing the lens in which we see the world is healthy. The mind and character needs it for personal growth and development. The best part is that, it’s always the subtle things that take one by surprise. Keeping it simple lets you soak it all in, new smells, new foods, new clothes, mix it up and live a little.

What about the language change? Have you ever thought about a language as the tool for creating new realities? Okay, so even if you are not interested in becoming or pretending to be a wizard, a new language is the way to upskill: increasing your own self worth and something to be proud of. Learning a new language is not an easy task, it may leave you struggling for years but once it clicks, it can be one of the most rewarding challenges and an adventure in itself.

For those who have already conquered a second language, why not go for the third? Language has been said to be a primary factor in the evolution of man, this was because language has the capability to re-wire the human mind by creating new connections and associations.

In this episode we were lucky enough to enjoy the company of Nikita and Ravinesh, great Aussie mates visiting Mexico and bringing a homegrown perspective. As they were travelling through the Americas, specifically Latin America, we had the chance to catch up and share a little paradise. In between commentary of a trip of a life time (which now become a lifetime of trips) we discus cultural awareness of australians (or lack of), how language affects thought and how swearing in multiple languages can open your eyes to many beautifully obscene ways to express yourself. These were just a few of the side topics amongst many more, please enjoy another episode of The Paradise Paradox.

The Links:

The Higher Taste: A Guide to Gourmet Vegetarian Cooking and a Karma-Free Diet
Butter chicken recipe

Cuban sandwich

Black Monday carnage