Tag: the secret

Receive the Universe’s Gifts – Episode 187

The Story: Being open to new opportunities

Some people seem to have all the luck – being able to travel the world, getting money, attracting romantic partners. And sometimes it really is luck – just a genetic accident or having the good fortune of being born in the right place. Many times, it’s not just luck, but an awareness of their surroundings, a willingness to try new things, and a mentality of readiness for opportunity.

In this world, it’s possible to make all kinds of connections, find all kinds of people, help them reach their goals, and allow them to help you reach yours. However, these gifts generally don’t come in the way you expect them. If you ever catch yourself saying things like “I could never do that…” or “I hate money” you may be putting up blocks in your life that prevent you from reaching abundance.

In this episode, Kurt explains his perspective on how sometimes, “luck” is actually the result of awareness, open-mindedness and preparedness. He explains how being open to love in different forms can help you be more fulfilled, how the next level of wisdom will always appear bizarre to you, and practising mindfulness meditation can bring you to new plateaux of prosperity. Join me on another heart-breaking, hair-raising, life-giving episode of… The Paradise Paradox!

The Eps:

The electricity of your intentions: Gela Amini – Episode 172

A life without precedent: Gela Amini – Episode 174

Value is everywhere – Episode 170

The Links:

Rich Dad, Poor Dad

Psyched Substance on YouTube

Swim on YouTube

Double Your Dating

Practising the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle audiobook

Read ’em and Reap by Joe Navarro

Revolver (2007) movie

The Cash:

If you enjoy our posts, please become a patron on Patreon, or have a look at The Paradise Paradox’s page on Steemit where you can join, earn money, and upvote our posts to help support the show! You can also find a lot of additional content which is not posted on this site, with Kurt’s posts on Steemit.

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Episode:

To download the audio, right click and press “save as”.

Remember to subscribe on iTunes or subscribe on Pocket Casts.

If you enjoyed the episode, don’t keep it a secret! Feel free to share it on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Reddit, or your office bathroom wall.

Gela Amini – A life without precedent: Episode 174

The Story: Geliqua’s way of living the dream

A couple of months ago, Kurt had the opportunity to interview vegan chef, traveller and free spirit Gela Amini a second time, exploring the concepts of creative visualisation and living an unusual life in more detail, building upon the previous interview.

In this episode, Gela shares her thoughts the way she lives life as an adventure, spending time in Costa Rica, travelling, her philosophy on teaching as a collaboration and interactive experience, learning about life from the children she works with, and the difference between traditional schooling sitting all day and education as a fun experience. We also talk about how people seem to offer her houses to live in, such as her time living on La Playa Blanca in Colombia, among other places in South America, her mental process in finding such remarkable opportunities – especially believing that you deserve good things in your life, how your perspective can make the difference between seeing something as an advantage or disadvantage, depression and mental health.

Join us in another free-wheeling, globe-trotting, dream-fulfilling episode of … The Paradise Paradox!

The Eps:

Gela Amini – The electricity of your intentions: Episode 172

Value is everywhere: Episode 170

Why artists should quit their jobs and move to Thailand: Episode 166

The Links:

Gela on Steemit

Gela’s Facebook profile, where she posts videos

The Cash:

If you enjoy our posts, please become a patron on Patreon, or have a look at The Paradise Paradox’s page on Steemit where you can join, earn money, and upvote our posts to help support the show! You can also find a lot of additional content which is not posted on this site, with Kurt’s posts on Steemit and Aaron’s posts on Steemit.

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Episode:

To download the audio, right click and press “save as”.

Remember to subscribe on iTunes or subscribe on Pocket Casts.

If you enjoyed the episode, don’t keep it a secret! Feel free to share it on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Reddit, or your office bathroom wall.

Using your passion to manifest your dreams – Gela Amini

Gela explains how she put herself in the mental and emotional space to manifest a much better life situation – receiving an insurance payout and gaining her Swedish citizenship.


Part of the reason this manifestation came as quickly as it did is that – and I’m going to explain how to get manifestations to come quicker instead of waiting for a time, because time again is an illusion – right?

So I actually ended up writing myself a letter – oh, there was something else as well. I had a 2008 debt that was miniscule, that had just accumulated to this giant amount that they were threatening to mess up my credit and then I wouldn’t have gotten my passport again. And from nowhere this company contacted me after all these years.

So again this sets the panic mode, because again, these were manifestations of my perspective at that time. I was thinking that life was happening to me, everything’s going wrong, no money, this and that. So that was continuously coming back just to shove itself in my face basically.

So I didn’t have a choice other than to face it, and I started writing a letter, and actually, it’s funny that you say that. I’m not a really big fan of “The Secret” because there’s a lot I don’t agree with. However, the fundamentals touch base on spirituality and the power of manifestations. And I remember I took something out of that, and I wrote myself a letter from that company and from the immigration board about my citizenship.

And each letter – I kid you not, I have saved them and when I go back to Sweden I’ll take pictures of them so you can add them on anywhere you want. But, more or less identical – the letter from the company that I owed money to, I wrote a very short letter saying “we have dropped the case, and that’s it – we don’t have sufficient evidence so we have dropped the case,” and the other one from the immigration board saying “you’ve got your citizenship, please go apply for your passport.”

I wrote them in a little letter to myself, put them in an envelope, heading outside to go grocery shopping. So I put them in the envelope, throw it in the mail slot, I go get my food I come back and I push it out of my mind. But I remember the feeling as I was writing – again this is how you get manifestations to come back a lot faster – is the emotion that you put into it. People call it intention, emotion, electricity, whatever you want to call it. But that’s the power that we put behind it, and that comes from within.

So I remember how excited I was to be able to see these words come back to me, to see the magic of life, which is again, it’s in our own hands. And once I came back home and I picked up those letters and I pretended I never read them and I opened it up and again that excitement came back, and again within such a short period of time, I got the exact same letters from both different places, and they’re more or less identical to what I wrote myself.

And these are little games and activities you can play within life that remind us of the magic that exists already out there. It’s like when you open the fridge and you’re looking for something and you’re not going to be able to see it, until you shift your perspective, and then you can…

You can have these little exercises and they start at miniscule levels. You can do things like – I know in “The Secret” they talk about seeing the green light. When you hit traffic, just see green lights. Again, it’s not about what you envision, it’s about putting the power behind that vision.

-Okay, so feeling it, the emotional content.-

Allowing yourself an excitement. Excitement and anxiety are two sides of the same coin. The question is again, if we realise the duality of those two actually when they’re unified, we can bring forth. We can create something with it. If they’re still in dualities, we’re going to end up having that “good or bad” perspective, that “unlucky or lucky” perspective, “I can’t do it but she did it” perspective.

Gela Amini – The Electricity of Your Intentions: Episode 172

The Story: How your feelings affect your universe

Life is an adventure, and you are too ambitious, too smart and too capable to spend your life cooped up in a box, only to one day retire and spend the rest of your days wondering what might have been.

That is not for you. You are going to push boundaries, innovate, devise and create, blaze your own path where many didn’t even think to tread. Life is waiting to be discovered, and ideas teased into existence through your ingenuity.

Then, at the end of your life, you will look back and think that you did so many things that once you thought you would never be able to do. You might not even know where you found the courage to do them… but at least you remember that you found the courage to dream, to imagine, to conjure new situations in your mind and allow yourself to be moved by them.

In this episode, Kurt interviews Gela Amini, earthling, traveller, plant chef and expert manifester. Gela explains a little about what her life is like, and tells us about some important waypoints in her journey – how she conquered Lyme disease, managed to get out of debt, and get her Swedish citizenship and passport despite their bureaucracy.

Join us in another mind-expanding episode of… The Paradise Paradox!

The Eps:

Value is everywhere – Episode 170

Why artists should quit their jobs and move to Thailand – Episode 166

The Links:

Follow Gela on Facebook

Follow Gela on Steemit

The Cash:

If you enjoy our posts, please become a patron on Patreon, or have a look at The Paradise Paradox’s page on Steemit where you can join, earn money, and upvote our posts to help support the show! You can also find a lot of additional content which is not posted on this site, with Kurt’s posts on Steemit and Aaron’s posts on Steemit.

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Episode:

To download the audio, right click and press “save as”.

Remember to subscribe on iTunes or subscribe on Pocket Casts.

If you enjoyed the episode, don’t keep it a secret! Feel free to share it on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Reddit, or your office bathroom wall.

Value is everywhere – Episode 170

The Story: How to pay for your dreams

Many people have seen “The Secret” and are familiar with its claim that people can manifest their desires simply by imagining them. Others think this view is a fantasy – how can your thoughts really affect reality?

In fact, there is already scientific data to support the claim on some level – data that shows your attitude affects your health. If your attitude can have subtle effects on your own body, it may have subtle effects on your surroundings, the interactions you have with other people. I know this to be true from my own experience attempting to charm women. If you expect that the woman won’t be interested in you, you will falter, and she will see your lack of faith. If you believe that the woman will be attracted to you or want to date you, that prophecy will fulfill itself.

Projecting those points, we can guess that it goes even deeper than that. Feeling the emotions of a scene you imagine from the future brings that scene into reality.

Some will respond, “You can’t get something for nothing!” and this seems sensible. To get something good, you must give something good. What they might not realise is, value goes far beyond the hours you put in at work, the unpaid overtime, or the money you invest. You are in a position to provide value to those around you in every waking moment – by giving them a smile, a compliment, encouraging them, even just by being vulnerable and showing your humanity.

In this episode, Kurt encourages you to be valuable, dream a better future and find contentment in the present. Join us on a secret-revealing episode of … The Paradise Paradox!

 The Cash:

If you enjoy our posts, please become a patron on Patreon, or have a look at The Paradise Paradox’s page on Steemit where you can join, earn money, and upvote our posts to help support the show! You can also find a lot of additional content which is not posted on this site, with Kurt’s posts on Steemit and Aaron’s posts on Steemit.

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Episode:

To download the audio, right click and press “save as”.

Remember to subscribe on iTunes or subscribe on Pocket Casts.

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Episode 29 – Frequencies: Emotions, Character and Consciousness

An episode by special request.

Frequency is a measurement of place and the change over time, As your state of consciousness grows and develops, changed perception, distinct noticeable changes in awareness, knowledge of the place and modes of your mind. Generally your awareness will widen.

Awareness of your emotional state and location in your emotional cycle, will create your character and personalty. Locating your own frequency will allow you to then see your personality traits and reactive modes. further assisting in the identifying of low and high frequencies.

In this episode, Aaron gives us a run-down of his ideas about frequencies – the way we’re vibrating on the levels of our emotions, our personalities, and our reality. How can we increase our vibrations to a more positive state? How can we avoid getting fixed a particular negative frequency? Do those around you affect your vibrations in regards to your emotional state, or the spectrum of your possible personalities?

To download the audio, right click and press “save as”.

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Related links:

Solfeggio Frequencies

Fear Or Love – Which is Your Driving Force?

LOVE Versus Fear

Definition of “manifest”

Root Chakra Colors

The Psychology of Color in Marketing and Branding

Scientific Proof that Our DNA is Mutating

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill