Tag: high technology

What drugs do you use to contact aliens? – Episode 131

The Story: Using psychedelics to contact extraterrestrials

Many people believe that it’s possible, and even likely, that intelligent life exists outside of our little planet. However, when it comes looking at potential evidence, many would prefer to dismiss it. To find evidence of something which, to us, might be bizarre, we have to look at the bizarre, diving in to the unexpected. We have to consider evidence of UFOs, strange structures on Mars, and mediums channelling interstellar communciations – and, we should consider that maybe, they might contact us even more directly, by telepathic communication instigated by powerful hallucinogenic drugs. Could peyote or LSD help you to receive such a communication? In this video I make the case that, maybe they could.

The Links:

Aliens and Drugs: Can psychedelics be used to contact beings from out of this world?

UFOS: Generals, pilots and government officials go on the record by Leslie Kean

Symmetry and geometry of the face on Mars revealed

Aliens could be staring us in the face – Royal astronomer

The Cash:

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The Episode:

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