Tag: grexit

Episode 62 – Global Crisis: A False Economy

The Episode:

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The Cash:

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link.

The Story:

Many people poking around the Internet have been acutely aware that something big might happen around September 13th or September 23rd 2015, having watched Jeff Berwick’s Shemitah videos or read “The Harbinger”, or having calculated the days between financial collapses in the Wall Street “Seven Year Cycle”. Then the dates passed, and, depending where you were, it might have seemed like absolutely nothing happened. Another December 2012, another non-event, no end of the world and no financial collapse. However, when we look at the news a little more closely, we can see that something did happen, and the events may have put the world economy onto the edge of a precipice.

Sharemarket corrections occurred in the USA, the UK, Australia, and China, among others. Australia’s stockmarket has been plummeting down since April, and on September 29 the ASX 200 took a 3% hit, sending its price down below 5000 for the first time since July 2013. The market recovered, but still seem reminiscent of sudden recoveries that happened right before the Global Financial Crisis really set in.

A few months ago, the Greek government instated capital controls, preventing the flow of money, restricting withdrawals to 66 euros per day. A few days ago, the Chinese government took a similar measure, restricting transactions to 50,000 yuan ($7,800) from October 1st till the end of the year, and 100,000 yuan ($15,600) for the whole of 2016. Capital controls are commonly a desperate measure, an indication that a currency is failing – that too much damage has already been done. If Greece finds itself in such a position, and China finds itself in a similar position, shall we see the same fate for the rest of the PIIGS, and the rest of the BRICS?

It’s a great show, and if you’ve been smart, hopefully you don’t have front row seats, because people in the first three rows will get wet. Could we be heading for the next global financial crisis? We explore this economic rollercoaster on the next episode of … The Paradise Paradox!

[Edit: Kurt said in this episode that it’s not possible to buy physical silver in Russia, but it turns out that is inaccurate. Many Russian banks will sell silver certificates, or allocated holdings, but at certain branches you can also buy physical silver, and there are coin shops and online outlets as well.]

The Links:

The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery that Holds the Secret of America’s Future

Currency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis

The Synchronicity Key: The Hidden Intelligence Guiding the Universe and You

Jeff Berwick – Shemitah Exposed

Jeff Berwick – Shemitah Exposed II

Corruption Perception Index on Wikipedia

Indonesia bans foreign currencies

China Imposes Capital Controls, Selling Billions of Dollars

Bartering Platform Offers Way To Sidestep Capital Controls in Greece

Why Did The Aus Sharemarket Lose So Much Money on Vice

Meet the Venezuelan Rebel with the Unofficial Exchange Rate

Dolar Today – Venezuelan exchange rates

Cover image used and modified under Creative Commons.

Episode 46 – The Dox News Box July 2015

The Episode:

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Remember to subscribe on iTunes or subscribe on Pocket Casts.

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The Cash:

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate by BitCoin: 182CzJUbz8xb1JZjuVm2S4YUBfd3xk2XfM

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The Story:

On the fifth of July, the people of Greece voted in a referendum on whether to accept new austerity measures, or to reject them. When the people voted no, there was footage of people celebrating in the streets, and it was hailed as a democratic success. Have the Greek people really succeeded in anything by this referendum? Or did they just get the democratic choice of the colour of rope which will be used to hang them?

Vaccines are an increasingly controversial subject. Some people are afraid to take them, and some are afraid not to. People can get passionate or even angry about it if you do nothing more than ask their opinion. Some pro-vaxxers claim that any potential risks are miniscule. Some anti-vaxxers claim the risks are known and potentially fatal. And some say it’s a matter of questions needing to be asked. With the complex legal issues sometimes barring legal action against vaccine manufacturers, and the media spin against any public figure who asks questions, is it even possible to know the truth?

Ever since the year 2000, people have been asking the eloquent question “So where are the fooking flying cars, mate?” There are many companies working on this problem, and with the availability of technology, materials and engineering information these days, it’s very possible that one of these companies might crack it very soon. What are the technologies that these companies are looking at, and how viable are they?

We ask these questions and more in this media circus of an episode of … The Paradise Paradox!

The Links:

Wiseguy by Nicholas Pileggi


Tspiras asks for 30% debt haircut and 20 year grace period

Andreas M. Antonopoulos educates Senate of Canada about Bitcoin (Oct 8, 2014)

Red flag traffic laws in England and USA

Google self-driving cars “Free Ride”

Government OK’d support for flying car development

Drone that carries people

The Volocopter

People still insist this flying car will arrive by 2017 despite crash

Lexus says it has a real hoverboard

You did it Jim Carrey” – vaccine article on Jezebel

First they came for the anti-vaxxers” on LewRockwell.com

16 years ago a doctor published a study and it made us all sicker” on Upworthy

Parents can’t sue vaccine manufacturers

Vaccine injury compensation programs