Tag: abundance

Bitcoin Boom Bust – The Crypto Market Cycle: Episode 189

The Story: The four stages of the digital currency cycle

The crypto market reached 830 billion on January 8th 2018, and now by February 6th, it’s taken a sharp drop to 300 billion. Speculators all over the world are shaking their heads until they hold their heads and wondering why, what happened. Nobody has any clear answers, but it can be enlightening to look at the patterns that normally play out in this market.

  1. The boring phase. Savvy investors are quitely putting their cash in, developers are plunking away at their keyboards in dark basements. On the surface, nobody really cares about crypto. The only news that reaches the mainstream is sensational pieces about future technology, or witchhunts for Satoshi Nakamoto. The total market cap goes down, or sideways.
  2. The organic growth phase. New investors start getting involved, hobbyists and techies who see the potential of the technology. The media starts running some stories about the price action during the odd spike or drop. The market cap goes up, slowly and steadily.
  3. The hype growth stage. The greater public start hearing more about it, and seeing the price action makes them start sweating. They feel the fear of missing out, and they decide to invest. The market gets into a feedback loop with big media – media notices the price action, hypes it, leading to more buying, leading to more more price action and media attention. At this stage, you’ll start to see people on social media saying how Bitcoin can only go up, saying it’s a new paradigm. The market cap might jump up more than 10% in a day.
  4. The dead phase. Nobody knows exactly how it starts – perhaps a whale takes profits, and the price drops suddenly. Pretty quickly, all of the investors for the fear of missing out, decide they will exit based on the fear of loss. The media declares Bitcoin and digital currency dead once again, and slowly they lose interest.

Soon enough, the cycle restarts, and we enter a new 3 to 9 boring months where, from the outside, nothing seems to happen.

Of course, history never repeats exactly, but by being aware of these patterns we start to have an idea where things are headed, and wherever we are on the path we can learn to be grateful for the opportunities that we do have. Join Kurt on a roller-coaster ride of emotions from terror to gratitude in this spine-tingling, spine-rattling episode of… The Paradise Paradox!

The Eps:

Crypto Crash January 2018 – Episode 188

Bitcoin over 9000 – Time to take profits! Episode 184

Don’t get Goxxed – Bitfinex, Bittrex & Coinbase

Bitcoin’s path to ruin – Episode 185

The Links:

Crypto Crash – Lessons for the patient, and those who wish to be

Bitcoin’s uncertain future

The Cash:

If you enjoy our posts, please become a patron on Patreon, or have a look at The Paradise Paradox’s page on Steemit where you can join, earn money, and upvote our posts to help support the show! You can also find a lot of additional content which is not posted on this site, with Kurt’s posts on Steemit.

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Episode:

To download the audio, right click and press “save as”.

Remember to subscribe on iTunes or subscribe on Pocket Casts.

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Deciding to Bug In: The Australian Experience – Episode 132

Australian Return: Deciding to Bug-in

This is the rehash episode where I (Aaron) wanted to talk about ‘bugging in’, this episode also continues with the interesting adventures of returning to Australian life.


‘Bugging in’ is similar to the term ‘bugging-out’, it is the term commonly used by many preppers and military personnel when they find themselves in a undesired location and need to quickly vacate. Preppers are people which are preparing for the end of days mega event, or any situation where they may need to defend their survival. Plans need to be made for extreme situations, like where everyone looses the plot, turns crazy and start killing themselves or mass zombie attacks. Either way, you and perhaps a small team are the only ones who are now ready to save the planet and continue the human race.


Roughly two years ago I relocated to Mexico, which was suppose to be the key part of my planned bug-out mission. Other key factors in consideration were, a location on high ground, abundance of fresh food, preferably local farming, resistant population with traditional skills and a society with a high percentage of physical cash. Guadalajara, Mexico – Perfect!


Now having returned to Australia after an extended time in Mexico, its almost like the execution of my doomsday prepper’s plan to leave Australia didn’t happen at all. So here is where I was suppose to talk about the master bug-in plan. ‘Bugging-in’ is what happens when a prepper is unable to leave an undesired location, or when their location becomes the safest option, perhaps from a lack of local knowledge or planning. Usually this means boarding up the windows of your house or apartment and bunkering down. Of course a prepper would have this all organised, bug out bag packed (Bug in bag in this case), survival supplies, long-life food and weapons.


However with Australia being the extreme country it is, everyone should be prepared to be bugging in or bugging out on a weekend basis. By the way camping and outdoor life is the favourite Aussie pass time, so I guess most of us already do that.

The Eps:

Ayzee Returns to Australia

Opting Out

Bonus – Our ideas

The Links:

Million Dollar Baby – Trailer

South Australias worst Storm in 50 yrs

The Cash:

If you enjoy our posts, please have a look at our page on Steemit where you can join and upvote our posts to help support the show!

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Episode:

To download the audio, right click and press “save as”.

Remember to subscribe on iTunes or subscribe on Pocket Casts.

If you enjoyed the episode, don’t keep it a secret! Feel free to share it on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Reddit, or your office bathroom wall.




Episode 116 – Two Conceptions of Capitalism

The Episode:

To download the audio, right click and press “save as”.

Remember to subscribe on iTunes or subscribe on Pocket Casts.

If you enjoyed the episode, don’t keep it a secret! Feel free to share it on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Reddit, or your office bathroom wall.

The Cash:

We really appreciate all of your contributions! Every cent and satoshi we receive lets us know that we’re doing something worthwhile, that you are entertained by our program, and that you’re starting to question what you know more and more. Please be generous. Donate to The Paradise Paradox. Or buy some stuff on Amazon using this link. Or buy some of our great T-shirts here.

The Story:

In this episode Kurt and I are at the central bus station of Guadalajara, Mexico. We were patiently waiting to begin our voyage to San Luis Potosi – for a great adventure exploring the worlds of natural medicine. This episode is a captured conversation started by few Aussie friends that visited the week before, they had some very interesting questions about today’s society.
Many young adults ask questions like, why does the government need to privatise public services? examples of these services may be medical, electricity, transport, and water? and of course the bloody roads. These concerns are based on the already poor quality services at high tax costs and this instills a negative outlook on the future. To further this issue, it is widely known and understood that private companies, which buy these services, must put the interests of shareholders first. This is because of the inherent nature of business and the human component rarely becomes a concern, let alone a priority.
Our society has been conditioned to believe that this is all part of capitalism, MacDonalds, Starbucks and greedy governments. History can teach us many lessons and like all power structures, there is a common natural evolution; to increase in size, centralise power and incubate corruption. However as most young folks attended public schooling they tend to have a shallow and selected view of history, they look to the other side as the solution – Socialism.
In this episode we discuss a true capitalism, which is based on a free market system powered by sound money (Gold, Silver, Bitcoin). Advancements in information technology is opening a new world of commerce as well as new options for governance. Where all people can have an equal say and can be involved in shaping society. Our future civilisations will be empowered and united, government as we know it today will be a memory and a laugh, somewhat like the stone age. For the meantime understand that today’s government bodies do not require our full attention, as these structures are on limited time and out of gas.

The Eps:

Closet Communist

The Links:

The Story of Your Enslavement
The Wealth of Nations audiobook
Capitalism is About Love – Jeffrey Tucker